Chapter 3

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If you are taking any law courses and/or aware of anything about being an attorney, I would like to apologize in advance for any misrepresentation. I'm not a lawyer and just had a very little tiny idea about it. Please enjoy it and message me privately if I did any harm to the profession so that I can revise.

Jin arrived on time in the conference room and everybody stood up to lay respect at him. Today, he'll be meeting Mr. Choi regarding a project they would want to work with him.

He saw Mr. Choi already in front and ready to discuss the proposal. Jin reviewed the project beforehand so they insisted on going with the questions he has took note.

Everyone in the board were amazed how Jin understood the business quickly and how prepare he is at all times in their meetings.

Jin was surprised when someone else answered in behalf of Mr. Choi. When the person stood up, he realized that the face is really familiar as he was his batchmate in secondary school.

The meeting went on with some more questions from Jin and the board. Considering that Jin will have to provide a big budget for the project, he doesn't want to miss a single information about it. He also reviewed it with Jungkook and he also did not see anything wrong with the proposal.

The meeting ended at exactly 11:30 and when Jin was on his way the room together with his secretary, his name was called out.


"Jaehwan!" He said. The guy hugged him suddenly, surprising Jin and his secretary.

"I'll go ahead first, Mr. Kim." Ms. So said excusing herself from a personal conversation getting the laptop of Jin from him.

"Hey, how are you?" Jaehwan said.

"I'm good. I didn't know you were a lawyer now!"

"I know. It's been a challenge but I'm happy to see you again. You never attended any of our batchmates' party."

"Not a party person and had been busy with my dad's company."

"Yeah. I heard about what happened. I wanted to come but I was studying at Harvard during that time. My condolences still, Jin."

"Thank you."

"It's been a long time since we last met. I hope I can invite you for l---"

"Mr. Kim!" Someone shouted from behind.

When Jin looked, he rolled his eyes. Of course it's their company lawyer bugging him because it's his appointment already.

"I was about to call your for our appointment, Mr. Kim. Mr. Lee! I did not know you'll be here." Jungkook said at the other person.

Jaehwan bowed at him. "Good morning, Mr. Jeon. I was Mr. Choi's lawyer and visited today with him to check on other things we need to finalize before the project."

"Good thing you know each other. I guess no need for any introductions."

"Yes, we're actually under one firm. Although we don't see each other often since Mr. Jeon is quite in demand."

"Also the reason why my cousin endorsed him to be his replacement as our lawyer." Jin answered proudly.

"I see. Well, I guess it's time for me to go. And Jin, here's my personal number by the way." He said handling Jin his card. "Please don't say no to me next time."

"Oh sure, message me anytime. You can get my number from Ms. So. We'll get going now, Jaehwan."

"Sure. See you soon. Nice to see you as well, Mr. Jeon. I'll be on my way." He said bowing to them before turning around on his way to Jin's secretary.

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