Chapter 8

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Jin woke up the next day with a headache.

"Welcome back to the world." Hoseok said greeting him.

Jin suddenly stood up didn't know why Hoseok was there.

"If you're confuse, a little bird contacted me yesterday asking to accompany you because your drunk self might not know how to wake up."

"what?" Jin touched his temples again and said.

"You don't remember anything?"

Jin looked at him, with squinting eyes. "I remember Jaehwan brought me home and I was tipsy, probably drunk and sleepy. I was trying to put in my code but it's not working so I just leaned on the door and then suddenly it was opened by Jungkook. Oh my god! Jungkook opened it and we..." he gasped and cover his mouth. He looked at Hoseok with wide eyes. "Oh my god.. no no no...Jungkook's not here right?"


"Whew.. I guess it's just a dream."

"Tell me more about this dream of yours."

Jin started summarizing to Hoseok what he can remember. Hoseok exhaled and closed his eyes.

"Why?" Jin asked confusingly.

"Jungkook was the bird I was referring to who contacted me. He was here last night and no, you're not dreaming."

"What?" Jin's eyes widened. "Why didn't you say so? Oh my god! What would he think of me now?"

"I'm sure he'll think you're just drunk." Hoseok said.

"No! I specifically said 'I love you, Jungkook' I remember saying it! Hoseok what will I do now?"

"Jin relax" he said holding Jin's shoulder. "Act normal, as if you don't remember anything."

"What? How can I do that? How can I act normal? I'm even panicking now. Wait, I have to text him and tell him whatever I said last night is not true..." He took his phone from the side table but Hoseok took it from him.

"I said relax.. he wouldn't know if you won't say you remember it. Breathe in and out 10x, Jin."

He followed what Hoseok instructed but he can't relax still.

"I said relax!" Hoseok said.

Jin laid down again covering his eyes. "Seokin pabo! I'm the greatest fool. Argh!"

Hoseok laid down beside him and hugged him tight. "Act like you haven't said anything. You'll eventually move on, Jin."

"Hoseok, we've been manifesting that since 2 years ago and I still haven't moved on."

"Maybe you will now. Focus on Jaehwan."

"I want to have a love life like yours and Hyungwon. Imagine being college lovers to partners even after college. What is wrong with me?"

"Jin, look at me. When two people are meant for each other, they would know. Don't rush love. It will come when it's time." He said to Jin and he got up. Now stand up because my lover also needs me on a weekend. He patted Jin's thigh to tell him he needs to get up.

"argh! I hate my life!" Jin said before getting up.


"What's up, Kook? It's Sunday, why are you here?" Taehyung asked when he saw Jungkook in his café early in the morning.

"Can't I go here whenever I want?"

"Hm, did you fight with Jin?"

Jungkook's eyes widened and Taehyung laughed.

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