Chapter 22

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Jin woke up early the next day. He looked at the clock and it's just 7 in the morning.

Jungkook is still hugging him tightly. He wanted to sleep more but his body doesn't want to. He removed Jungkook's hand from his waist and moved slowly towards the shower room.

He wore decent clothes and made his way outside, probably to get coffee.

He was surprised to see Taehyung in the kitchen.

"You're early." He told Tae.

"I can't sleep well. You want coffee? I brewed some."

"Yes, please."

"This place is nice. Jimin's family really had a good deal with this house." Jin said observing its surroundings and how the trees around are giving it a more homey vibe.

"It is. Would you like to drink coffee outside?"

"That sounds nice." Jin said.

He was on his way outside when Taehyung stopped him. "Wait." He said. Jin looked at him and found him carrying a cardigan, which he was sure was Tae's. "It's still cold outside." He said making Jin wear the cardigan.

"Thank you." Jin said smiling at him but he frowned when he realized that Tae was not bringing a coat or cardigan for him. "How about you?"

"I'll just bring this." He said pointing to the blanket from the couch. Jin smiled at him and proceeded in going outside.

They sat to a nearby table and Tae is correct, it's really cold outside. Jin feels like he'll shrink anytime. He held his coffee and started drinking it. It did miracle to his body and he felt warmer. Tae sat beside him instead and spread the blanket between the two of them.

"I haven't had a vacation for a long time. This feels like new to me." Jin said, looking at the surroundings.

"You can take vacations, you own a company, you can go on leave anytime you want, you're still young. You need to take advantage of it." Tae said looking at Jin who's currently observing the environment.

"I forgot how to be young the moment my dad died. I feel like my youth was snatched from me. I'm just 25 but I don't even look at my SNS. I don't even remember its password." He chuckled at that.

"25 and successful." Tae smiled at him. He looked at him intently and held his hand. "It's fun to have you here. I hope you can have more vacations like this."

Jin looked at their intertwined hands and smiled. He held Tae's hand harder and said, "I hope so, too. Maybe you can invite me to some of your adventures instead of having different men and women around."

Tae removed his hand and rolled his eyes. "I'm no longer like that, Jin. I swear!"

"That's what a playboy would usually say."

"At least I don't cheat."

"How can you when you don't even want to be in a relationship with anyone."

He looked at Jin and said "I actually do."

Jin looked at him with a surprised look and said "You do? Spill the tea, who's the lucky person?"

Tae smiled at him and said "It's a secret!" and poked his forehead.

Jin frowned at him. "There's really no one. You're just saying that to shut me up."

Taehyung chuckled. He looked away from Jin and took a sip of his coffee. They saw the sun slowly rising from the mountains near the house and Jin took a picture of it using his phone. He also took a selfie and took a picture of him and Taehyung, with Tae showing his wide boxy smile.

Jin laid his head on Tae's shoulder. "Thank you, Tae."

"For what?"

"For being a good friend."

"Of course. Anything for you, Seokjin."

Jin closed his eyes, feeling the light from the sun on his face which made the weather a little bit warm. He smiled and did not notice that Tae was also taking pictures of them, while he was looking at Jin.

They went back inside as soon as they have finished their coffee.

The rest are still asleep so Jin decided to make breakfast for everyone. It is Jimin's big day so he wants to make sure that the latter will start the day good by having a good breakfast.

Tae helped him only with setting up the table.

He was able to cook sausages and eggs, with pancakes. He also saw some fruits and a fruitshake. Tae started knocking at the rooms of the others.

He saw Jackson going out of their room. "Good morning, Jackson. Please wake Namjoon. Jin prepared breakfast for everyone." Jackson rolled his eyes hearing Jin's name. It feels like he became the favorite of everyone suddenly. "It will be nice to eat early since it's Jimin's birthday." Tae said seeing the obvious dismay on Jackson's face.

Taehyung knocked on Jungkook's shared room with Jin. No one was coming out so he assumed that Jungkook was still asleep. He opened the door and saw Jungkook on his stomach with, fortunately, with the blanket covering him.

"Jungkook! Sleepy ass. Your boyfriend already cooked breakfast, get up you lazy ass." He said kicking Jungkook's butt.

With a sleepy look, Jungkook looked at Taehyung.

"Your room smell likes sex!" Tae said.

"Get out! Don't let Jin hear you or he won't sleep here anymore."

"Much better actually."

"You're jealous you did not get laid."

"Whatever. I can be jealous of you for a lot of things except on that. Get up now, your boyfriend's waiting downstairs."

Jungkook looked at the time and was surprised to see that it's already 9 in the morning. It's Jimin's birthday so they had to prepare a lot but Jin was already tired early in the morning. "Why is he even so kind to everyone? People can cook breakfast for themselves."

"Except for you. You can't even get up on your own."

"Whatever! Leave me alone if you don't wanna see my huge cock." He said.

Taehyung rushed outside not wanting the be scandalized by Jungkook's cock.

Jungkook washed his face, brushed his teeth and wore his sweatpants and sweatshirt.

He saw Jin preparing the food with Tae on the table. He pulled Jin to him and hugged his waist. "The bed feels cold without you."

"That's not how it looks when I entered your room. You are still dreaming and drooling even without Jin." Taehyung said.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Cockblocker!" He said to Tae and then pecked Jin's lips before getting pulling Jin for them to sit.

"I also prepared a cake for Jimin, it's just a simple cake that we bought from the bakery nearby. Let's sing a birthday song once he's here." Jin said.

NamSon couple were on their way downstairs and everyone looked at them. Jin quickly averted his gaze somewhere, while Tae rolled his eyes seeing them. Jungkook, feeling that he said what he want to to Namjoon last night, did not avoid looking at them but Namjoon avoided his gaze.

Right on time, Taehyung received a message from Yoongi that Jimin's awake and they'll be downstairs in few minutes. He told the rest and Jin excitedly removed took the cake he bought from the box. Jungkook is happy for seeing Jin differently outside work and with his friends. It warms his heart to see him excited for something else, other than food and rest day.

They all sang happy birthday song as soon as they saw Jimin going down the stairs.

Jimin was surprised and almost teared up seeing all his friends around.

He never expected anything aside from just a chill vacation and a week of laughter with his all-time friends. He was happy that Jungkook came with them and he felt like it's a complete celebration. He'll still celebrate with his family and Yoongi tomorrow, and it's already whatever he can ask for celebrating his 29th birthday.

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