Later that day, Aria and I were chilling on our beds in our dorm room listening to this new album she was obsessing over. She told me the name and the artist before she started playing it but I've been so distracted that I wasn't paying attention. We had skipped all of our classes for the day as we tried to recover from the frat party. Thankfully I only had one class for the day and that was English. I hadn't spoken to Beck all day. And surprisingly, he hadn't called or texted. He knows that I know he cheated on me and he's avoiding me because of that. At some point, we're both going to have to be adults and talk about the situation but until then, I'm perfectly fine with not speaking to him.

Speaking about Beck, I looked down at my hand and noticed that the bracelet Beck had bought me with his name on it was missing. Sitting up straight, I turned to face Aria. "Do you have my bracelet?" I asked her.

"Uhm no. I left it on top of Pierre's drawer. I thought you would've taken it from there." She said.

I shook her head signalling no. "I completely forgot about it." I said. Which was true. I had a rough morning but that wasn't a reason for me to be so careless.

"I could ask Lando to get it for you. Although he's sleeping now so he'll only bring it when he gets up." Aria said. She reached out and grabbed her phone from the nightstand.

"No, don't stress. I'll go over there and get it myself." I said. I sat up from the bed and put on my sneakers. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and walked towards the door. "See ya." I said and opened the door.

"Bye." Said Aria, who went back to singing along to the music. I laughed as I walked out.

Walking through campus, everything was so quiet. Most of the students were in lectures whilst others were probably hiding in their dorms, like we were. I took a moment to appreciate the silence. Everything was so calm and still. The only noises that you could hear was that of nature. Birds chirping, gushers of wind making the trees move and bees buzzing. It was refreshing.

A few short minutes later, I had arrived at the boys housing. I walked over to the front door and it was closed. It looked like there was nobody inside but that was just the boys hiding out. I knocked onto the door and waited for a response. Seconds went by and the door had finally opened. And there he was, standing in nothing but a towel. My eyes immediately dropped to his abs. They weren't 6 pack abs but they were definitely toned to say the least. Summer had just started and he was already tan. His hair was wet and if I'm been honest, it looked very sexy.

"Hello again Skyler." He said, snapping me out of my daze. There was something about the way he said my name. It was so attractive.

"Hi Carlos." I smiled. "Is Pierre home?" I asked.

Carlos shook his head and said "He just stepped out to get some groceries with Charles." I sighed. If only I was earlier, I would have caught him in time. "What do you need?" He asked.

"I left something of mine in his room. I was hoping that I could get it. It's really important." I explained myself.

"You can go up and get it. It's not a problem. Pierre wouldn't mind." Carlos said and my face immediately lit up. My phone buzzed at that exact moment but I chose to completely ignore it.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Trust me, he wouldn't mind you going into his room." Carlos chuckled as he stepped away from the door, allowing me inside the house. I ignored what he had said and simply just smiled at him.

I ran quickly up the stairs and thankfully I remembered which room was Pierre's. Third door on the right. I opened the door and went straight to his drawer. I grabbed my bracelet and headed towards the door. I stopped for a second as I stood by the door. It felt weird being in his room without him. I closed the door and headed back down the stairs. My phone started to ring just as I reached the last stair. It was Aria.

"Found what you needed?" Asked Carlos, who had been waiting for me for some reason.

"Yeah I did. Thank you." I said and showed off my bracelet.

Carlos returned the smile. "Anytime." He said. Carlos opened the front door, allowing me to walk out. We stood face to face at the door. "Is that his name on your bracelet?" Asked Carlos, referring to Beck. Of course, everyone knew Beck.

"Yeah." I said, a little embarrassed. I never liked the idea of the bracelet. I always thought it was like a collar. A name tag. Like he had claimed me to be his property. But I never fought against it because I knew how much it meant to him.

"That's romantic." Said Carlos. I couldn't tell if he was lying or if he actually meant that.

Then suddenly, I heard clapping coming from behind me. I turned around and my smile dropped all the way down to the floor as soon as I saw Beck leaning against his car. He was waiting for me. That was the reason why Aria tried to call me. I thought to myself. Beck was eyeing Carlos from head to toe. I mean, who wouldn't. He practically only had a towel on.

"Beck." I said. My heart racing. I didn't know what else to say.

"Get in the fucking car, Skyler."


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