065. dark charlie

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"He used the inner key of Oz. It opens a door to your soul and lets the darkness out. Uh, we're still connected, physically. If you hurt her, you hurt me. But bottom line, she's bad and I'm good. And let me just tell you, being good is really annoying. Normally in a place like this, I'd be pounding Harvey Wallbangers and checking out the bartender's ass. Now all I want to do is sip club soda and send her to college."

"Okay, uh... good Charlie. So, why is dark Charlie gunning for revenge?" Dena asks.

"She's trying to win me back. Dark Charlie won the war single handedly. But... she did some truly awful things. But I told her I didn't want any part of her near me again, ever. Going after the person who mur-- mur-- uh... who took my parents away is her messed up way of showing me how close we are, or-or could be. I keep calling her "she," but she's me. I'm the one doing this."

"Charlie, that-- that's not who you are, okay? It's-- it's a twisted version of--"

"Me." She cuts Dean off. "I've been following her so I can catch her before she does something stupid a-and just lock her away forever."

"Uh, Charlie? That's not an answer." Sam says.

"Sam's right. We'll go back to Oz, and we'll-- we'll get the key from the wizard of douche, and we'll put you back together." Dean says.

"Even if I did want her back... look, dark me broke the key. There's no way to get back to the wizard." Charlie says.

"Okay, okay, first things first. We need to find dark Charlie before she finds the drunk driver. So, we know Barbara gave up her old bank statements, right? That means dark Charlie will probably follow the money back to whoever made the payoffs." Sam says.

"That's what I would do." Charlie says.

"I'll get some refills." Dean walks over to the bar.

"We need you to hack into Barbara's bank accounts." Sam pulls his laptop out.

"I can't." Charlie pushes the laptop to him.

"What?" Sam asks.

"It's bad. I told you -- being good is annoying."

"How about this? How about you guide me through the process and then I'm the bad one?"

~ ~ ~

"Okay, so, Barbara's payments all came from offshore accounts, which were routed through dummy corporations, which have all gone belly up." Sam says.

"All right, skip to the end, dragon tattoo. They all lead back to this guy?" Dean asks.

"Russell Wellington. And according to his personal records, he had a car that was reported stolen the-- the week of the accident. A car that was never recovered. And after the supposed "theft," he went on a sabbatical from work for two weeks and returned to work with bruises and a broken ankle."

"So this is him. This is the man who, uh..." Charlie trails off.

"And you're done." Dean shuts the laptop. "Sam." The two brothers start to leave.

"Hey, dudes. Dudes. Secrets are bad." Charlie says.

"She's got a point." Miranda says.

"Charlie, I don't think you should be anywhere around this piece of shit salesman." Dean says.

"And-- and I don't think that finding dark Charlie and locking her up is gonna work. I mean, she may be... dark, but she's still a part of you." Sam says.

"You're right. I hate it, but you're right. Okay. Let's go to the bunker. Baum used the key to Oz. Maybe there's something in the Men of Letters' files about a key. If we fix it, we can get back to Oz." Charlie says.

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