Chapter Fifty Nine

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C H A P T E R -  F I F T Y - N I N E

C H A P T E R -  F I F T Y - N I N E

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at the woman before her. Taking in the curls that laid perfectly over her well dressed shoulders. Brow furrowed thoughtfully as she attempted to gather her thoughts. Unsure of what to say.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" She asked. Holding back her distaste for the girls appearance. Knowing it couldn't be a coincidence that a doppelgänger of amara turned up on her doorstep.

"You must be Qetsiyah, my names Elena. I need your help" she confessed halfheartedly. Hoping she hadn't butchered her name.

"What exactly makes you believe I'd have any interest in helping you?" She questioned with an air of humor to her words.

"One word—" she started, feigning confidence as she crossed her arms over her chest. Smile on her lips "—Silas"

Qetsiyah frowned at the name. Head falling back with a scoff of disgust. Blood boiling at the thought of the witch. Nose scrunching up as she redirected her attention to the girl. Noting all the differences between her and amara. There were very few.

"What do you want?"

Elena gulped, stiffening in her spot. Strong facade slipping ever so slightly. She hadn't been positive she'd make it this far in her plan.

"I've made mistakes, mistakes that have caused immense pain to everyone I care about..." she trailed off. Glancing around as her eyes welled with tears. Lips pulled in as she attempted to hold them off.

"Those mistakes never should've happened, our lives should've taken different paths and I am willing to do whatever it takes to give everybody a second chance" she finalized.

Elena watched as Qetsiyah processed her words. Expression filled with indescribable emotion. Hoping with every fiber of her being that what she wanted was possible.

"You want me to take back the choices you've made. Reverse the timeline and give you a chance to fix what you've done? What gave you the idea that I'd be capable of such magic?"

"Silas spoke very highly of you, whether he meant to or not. The things you've done. You'd have to be incredibly powerful. I doubt this would be out of your range of magic" Elena explained.

She embellished just so. Using her limited knowledge of the witches past infatuation with the man to persuade her. Something she felt she'd accomplished as a light seemed to glow within the woman's eyes at the comment.

"I'm assuming you have some terms to the spell? I doubt you'd let me do whatever I'd please. Unless you really are that desperate" she sighed. Maneuvering through the cabin to find a comfortable sitting position.

Elena bit her lip, putting her words together gently before allowing them to flow from her mouth. Moving to stand closer to where the woman had chosen to sit.

"I want to remember, I want to be the only one who remembers everything that's happened" she expressed.

"Now why exactly would you like to remember all the horrible things you've done? Isn't that the whole point of me doing this for you? Seems rather wasteful" her brow raised.

"I don't trust myself to not make the same mistakes. I've always held regret, but I was younger and careless. I didn't realize the issues I was causing until it was too late. If I remember, I can make sure these things won't happen again. I can make sure everyone gets what they want" her expression was remorseful.

Qetsiyah groaned. Hating the understanding she felt for the girl. She too had made choices for her own benefit. Choices that left her with unspeakable guilt. The only difference between the two of them being their desire to take back their actions.

"If I help you, you have to understand the power you'll hold. You'll know the consequences of certain actions. You cannot stop necessary events. The only changes you may make without failure are your own"

"Are you saying you can do it? That you will be doing it?"

Qetsiyah nodded slowly, she was positive she'd be able to pull it off. She'd likely be able to even cut in on the deal, now that she knew no one was out to help Silas with his malicious plans.

She'd be able to end their suffering, take themselves out of the world as she transitioned the others back to where Elena wished them to be.

"I need you to give me your complete trust, is this what you want?" She asked for the first and last time. Lips tugging upwards into a devious smirk as she agreed.

"Let's get started then shall we?" She jolted up to grasp the vampires skull. Pressing her fingers firmly into her temples. Memories flashing through Elena's head, an agonized scream leaving her.

"What are you doing!" She cried out. Not having expected such immediate action. Body convulsing as the witch refused to release her.

"Exactly what you've asked"


Word Count: 832
( unedited ✔️ )

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