Chapter Two

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C H A P T E R - T W O

C H A P T E R - T W O

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the entrance of a clearly abandoned house. It was rather elegant, if you looked past the peeling paint and broken wooden banisters. The dirty blonde haired girl glancing over to her straight faced brother. Heart racing as she considered the endless ways this could end.

"You must assure me that you will not harm Rose nor Trevor" she started. Elijah tensing at what she expected of him, finding it rather odd she'd request that when Trevor betrayed their family for someone like Katerina Petrova. His oak colored eyes expressing pure disbelief.

"I do not find that to be an appropriate request" He confessed. The two slowly ascending the porch steps. The wood creaking beneath their feet as they went. The girl clenching her jaw at his words. Knowing now he'd be less than lenient with Trevor's punishment.

"I think it's perfectly appropriate. Trevor betrayed Niklaus in order to save an innocent woman from harm. A woman he loved no less, and rose was protecting her family. They were both incredibly loyal to those of which were important to them" she explained her point of view. Making sure to add extra flair to the terms she found most important.

Elijah, wanting to avoid any further conflict with his youngest sister, grabbed the door knob and opened the entrance. The doors hinges creaking from the sudden movement. She rolled her eyes at his antics, the noblest of her brothers showing that even she could back him into a corner.

"Rose-Marie, is there somewhere we can talk?" Elijah started as the pixie haired vampire approached the pair. Her fear filled orbs glancing over to the youngest of the two, a slight twinkle of joy dancing in them. She had missed Rosalina, she always was the most understanding and kind hearted of the lot.

"Yes, in here. You have to forgive the house" she explained with her hand outstretched to signal for them to come in. Rosalina taking the time to glance over the interior as Elijah took the lead on conversation. The blonde being too empathetic of their situation to instill fear within them.

Fear of which Elijah believed them to need to ensure that they would be as truthful as possible. The man kept his hands placed within the pockets of his suit. Eyes moving from the terribly kept house to the stiffened figure of Rose-Marie.

"Oh no, what's a little dirt?" He started. Shoes scuffing against the dust covered floor boards. "I completely understand. So tell me, what is it that gave you the courage to call me?" He questioned as if he was entirely clueless. Rosalina shifting her focus to the two chatting before her.

They both clearly knew of the doppelgänger, their connections with countless vampires and witches ensuring that. Elijah had wanted to make sure their safety, or more so Rosalinas, was guaranteed. So he called a few separate entities until he figured out the exact reason Rose and Trevor requested his presence.

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