Chapter One

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C H A P T E R - O N E

C H A P T E R - O N E

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throughout the orange tinted blades of grass. Rays of sun peaking out between the intertwined branches of the trees above. Trickling down onto the pale skin of Rosalina Mikaelson. Illuminating the side of her face as she held her eyes closed gently. Fingers fiddling with the base of a few strands of grass. Barely tugging to distract her from the slight glare hitting her eyelids.

She was awaiting her brother's appearance, hoping more than anything that he'd have a safe place for her to store her car whilst they went on this little expedition. Knowing he'd prefer she left the car, or in his words, 'piece of junk' behind.

It was an older car, a 1980 Civic to be exact. Yet it worked extremely well and she always had the funds to repair it whenever something broke. So she never felt the need to part with it. The simple two door vehicle making her feel closer to her humanity than any highly expensive Ferrari would.

A twig snapped a few feet to her right, causing her thoughts to abruptly twist into panic mode. Ready to fight any passers by who intended to harm her. Someone, who in most humans eyes, was a scrawny teenage girl without anyone to protect her.

She sat up stiffly with her palms now firmly pressed into the dirt. In order to prepare herself for if she needed to speed to her feet and take down any charging creatures. Yet her body soon relaxed as she made direct eye contact with a young buck.

His head had snapped in her direction, onyx orbs staring directly into her own. The gentle, yet easily frightened creature, and herself held eye contact for what felt like decades. The buck dipping it's head downwards slightly when it realized she was no threat, going to take a cautious step towards her.

This made her heart race unexplainably fast. She had never experienced something like this before. A connection with an animal so innocent, that it's trust was dictated by how long she could hold its gaze without being too spastic. She wanted something so pure.

Niklaus had been in a similar situation once before, with a humming bird. He had told her the story many of times. The way the innocence of the animal made him wish he could be as oblivious and free as the bird was. To be able to fight for survival each and every day. To have something to live for.

She now, to an extent, understood exactly what he had meant. She knew that she could've taken down anything that approached her in that field. If she had been human, would she have been as careless with her safety? Would she be comfortable enough to drive to the middle of no where and lay obliviously in the middle of a secluded field. Exposed to anyone who may intend to harm her.

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