Chapter Forty Six

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C H A P T E R - F O R T Y - S I X

C H A P T E R - F O R T Y - S I X

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Rosalina mumbled with teary eyes. Struggling to her feet with a frown. Hands shaking as she continuously tried to regain her usual train of thought. Esther rolling her eyes at her daughters pain.

"I'm drawing from you, the spell I needed to cast to undo the monsters I've created was too powerful without the extra charge. I've gathered a witch or two, thanks to that Gilbert girl. I would've been fine without you yet your brother decided to allow darkness to overtake him" she growled.

"Finn..." she mumbled as she began to remember bits and pieces of her modern day life. Heart pounding roughly against her rib cage as she bit her lip to hold in the tears.

"You won't have to hurt any longer Rosalina, as soon as my plan has been complete" she mumbled, soon after disappearing into thin air. The blonde staring where she once stood with the flower crown sitting lopsidedly on her head.

"No!" She screamed out. Hands rising to rip the flowers from atop her head as she rushed to where Esther had once stood. Fingers ripping angrily at the stems until it fell to the ground in clumps.

"Come back! You cannot do this!" She pleaded desperately. Eyes burning red as the tears she previously withheld fell freely down her cheeks. Leaving them glistening as she sobbed into the open air.

She had only just begun to rekindle the flame that burned within herself and Stefan's hearts. How could she be taken away so soon? By her mother of all people.

Her mouth fell open in shock as a wave of pain spread through her chest. Hand moving to press against her skin in a desperate attempt to ease the horrendous feeling. Only to be brought to her knees by another wave of white hot agony.

"N-no" she whimpered, head falling to her chest.

Memories of her time in mystic falls flashed behind her eye lids. Causing her sobs to grow louder. Unable to fathom the amount of pain she felt as she realized all she was going to lose. Body curling up into a ball upon the slowly wilting grass.

Rosalina sighed and walked over to the bed. Jumping onto the mattress. Snatching the glass from the eldest Salvatore's hand with an impassive look upon her face. Tilting the glass back to allow the Auburn liquid to run down the back of her throat. Damon chuckling at her behavior.

Her fingers dug deeply into the soil beneath her head as she recalled how happy she had been to be reunited with the blue eyed man. How much she had adored having a friend once more.

How much she adored have more than just a single friend.

"No tomato?" A sweet voice asked curiously as the owner of said voice slid into the seat across from her. Green orbs moving to take in the sight of the pretty blonde girl and her wide smile. She was a clearly bubbly person, with an innocent smile and a look of interest in her crystal blue eyes.

"Caroline?" She whispered, eyes blinking rapidly in a lame attempt to un-blur her vision. Brows furrowing as the pain doubled, causing her body to shake.

"Lina?" Caroline called. The nickname rolling off her tongue naturally, even if it was her first time using it. "Bonnie said she saw you run out, is everything okay?" She questioned worriedly.

She shook her head as much as she could in her position. Trying to keep her wits about her, slowly realizing she was losing her grasp on reality.

Using what strength she had left, she willed her memories to rest. Knowing she'd be unable to fight if he made an appearance. His gorgeous eyes and sweet smile would surely ease her into a coma of which she'd be unable to escape.

Something she couldn't risk, not when she hadn't been able to say goodbye. Not when her family had finally been reunited, each ready to live without fear.

"Please—m-mother you cannot do this, I beg of you. If you can hear me. Do not do this to us. Our family finally stood a chance and you wish to rip it from us—"

She cried out as her body began to grow stiff. Head barely lifting to watch as her legs and hands changed to that of a ghastly grey. Blueish veins pairing with the disturbing skin tone.

"—we have only just begun to live our lives, we have survived year after year. Run from father and kept ourselves safe" Rosalina sobbed as she felt herself grow weaker. The grey moving further and further towards her heart.

"We are meant to have our always and forever—they deserve it. Rebekah deserves to find the purest of love, and Kol the thrill of pure unthreatened adventure!" She let out a soft laugh at the thought of her siblings finding their own versions of peace in their lives.

"F-Finn can finally reunite with sage and love the way he's always wanted. Elijah can explore without the burden of his nobility on his shoulders! A-and Klaus—" her voice grew weaker and weaker. Eyes fluttering closed as the exhaustion took over.

"—Klaus will have be able to have his family by his side, he can love and paint and explore. He won't be alone anymore..." she whispered.

Her lips tipped upwards in a blissful smile. Forgetting for a moment that she was unable to say farewell to those she adored as she imagined them living the sweetest of lives.

Eyes shutting for the last time as her skin had finally succumbed to the magic her mother had used to drain the life from her body.

A soft wind blew over her unmoving figure. Causing the wilted flowers of her old crown to settled into the creases of her dirt drained dress. The fabric wrapping elegantly around her form.

Leaving her to fade gently into the darkness of her own mind, skin glistening with the tears of her past.


Word Count: 1030
( unedited ✔️ )

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