Chapter Thirty Two

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C H A P T E R - T H I R T Y - T W O

C H A P T E R - T H I R T Y - T W O

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gathered their wits and began to plan three rather show stopping outfits for their big day. Niklaus was off making an impression on the mystic falls crew. Keeping an extra watchful eye on the doppelgänger as she made multiple advances on his sisters old lover.

The man always took a step away from the girl, making sure to keep a steady distance between them. His eyes filled with what he could only assume to be guilt whenever the gang mentioned the original siblings and what threat they could be now that Caroline had freed them.

Klaus having to hold himself back from yelling insults at the brown eyed woman as she continued to hate on the blonde haired vampire to her best friend, Bonnie Bennet. The two deciding to talk amongst themselves since Damon and Stefan weren't giving into their banter.

The brothers clearly still harboring guilt from their actions. Stefan wanting nothing more than to find where Rosalina was and pull her into a hug. Run his hand through her hair and give her endless kisses. Apologizing a million times over for not pulling the dagger out the moment that Elena had dug it into her flesh.

Meanwhile Damon was worried that he had ruined any and all chances of being around his best friend ever again. She was never meant to be involved in the plan. He knew she'd feel betrayed when they put down Elijah. It was only to get Elena to zip it about the nerves she was filled with.

The second time being to stop him from kidnapping Elena and taking her straight to her immediate death. Yet the doppelgänger decided to take matters into her own hands since she believed she would get in the way of their plan to protect her.

The brothers knowing that it would do no good to undagger her. Sure that she would only murder the brunette as soon as she was coherent. Considering she had already despised the Gilbert girl, the betrayal of the blade in her spine only stripping away anything that held her back.

Elena being the one to plead with them and eventually convince them to leave her be alongside her brother. Stefan and Damon's heart cracking even further any time they had to lie to Caroline about the girls whereabouts.

Niklaus noticing the small winces that appeared on each brothers face whenever she was brought up. The man making countless mental notes as he listened to them talk about how the big bad vampire made a move against Elena.

His lips twitching slightly as he thought about the girl he had compelled to go over and ask Elena to save him a dance. It was a classic move of intimidation. He also might have had the girl, Diana, add in the fact that he was undeniably handsome. Just for affect.

His plain smile turning into a subtle frown as he watched the eldest Salvatore charge the Bennett witch with a sense of curiosity. Bonnie quickly flicking her wrist to block his advances, the dark haired man hitting one of the book shelves with a violent crack.

Groans left his lips as he rose from his place on the floor. Eyes narrowed as he glared down the brunette. He had originally charged to show that she was incapable of defending Elena when Klaus attacked, although part of him felt as if it was to defend his MIA friend.

"Well I'm impressed" Stefan commented shortly. Crossing his arms over his chest before looking between the struggling Damon and smug looking Bonnie. Elena smiling dreamily at the youngest Salvatore when she heard his voice. Her stare ignored entirely by most of the rooms occupants.

"I can protect you" Bonnie reassured as she turned to make direct eye contact with her friend. Wanting her to know that no matter what, she would have her back when the current threat came to pass.

Alaric tilting his head slightly at her confidence. Knowing that he would most likely need to contact one of his witches and let them know that he was in dire need of some extra protection until he returned to his true form.

Yes, he was rather immortal. Yet in this particular body he would be easier to temporarily kill. Therefore he would need just a little extra resistance, although he was sure that a simple threat of death and some body swapping would get him out scot-free.

"Well then we take him out, tonight at the dance. I'll chaperone, you can take Elena. We have a plan, now if you'll excuse me..." Stefan commented swiftly before making his way out of the lounge and up to his room. Wanting to go back to sulking about the damage he had done to their relationship.

Elena watched sadly as he fled the room. Wanting to go after him with a burning passion, only to have Damon move in front of her and shake his head. An impassive expression clear as day on his face as he pushed past the two girls and headed up stairs after his brother.

"You guys go ahead and get ready at one of your houses. We will pick you up later. See you later Ric" he called over his shoulder as he went.

Alaric watching as the two teens left the boarding house. Bonnie rubbing Elena's back as she sulked her way through the lounge. His eyes rolling as he began to realize why Katerina made her out to be so insufferable.

She was rather whiny, and selfish beyond belief. Her attitude, although less brutal than Katherine, was ruled by beliefs of which were just as cruel. She never seemed to think of others when making decisions. Especially when it came to Rosalina.

It was as if she had a vendetta against her. Wanting to make sure that ever step she took would crack her heart even further. Something Niklaus was less than pleased about. The notion giving him just the right motivation to add a little pizazz to his prior plan.

He was going to make sure she'd suffer.


Chapter Dedication(s);

—In honor of Niklaus's arrival, I wanted to say Thank you to these readers for the endless support so far, your votes and comments genuinely help keep me motivated!

@-SilentSymphony @MadameGoldie
@KolMikaelsonsYellow @AliceMarieAsmar
@15KMudd @YelenaRomanofff
@fanfiction6 @Multitasking14

—and so many more!


Word Count: 1109
( edited ✔️ )

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