Chapter Thirty Five

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C H A P T E R - T H I R T Y - F I V E

C H A P T E R - T H I R T Y - F I V E

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the unconscious forms of Jules, Elena and Jenna. The three women having been taken from their homes and dragged out into the woods to fulfill the sacrifices requirements. A Werewolf heart, A vampires blood, and the life of a Petrova doppelgänger.

Elena was the first to wake. Taking in the sight of her unconscious aunt, illuminated by the magically created flame. A gasp of horror leaving her lips as she attempted to scoot closer to the strawberry blonde. Hand reaching out to shake her, only to have the flame strike back and burn her skin.

A hiss leaving her lips as she moved back into her original position. Watching longingly as she waited for the woman to wake. Knees pulled up to her chest uncomfortable. Eyes full of unshed tears. Only now realizing that Jeremy would be left with no one, unless the elixir Bonnie had discovered worked of course.

It took several painstakingly long minutes for Jenna to regain consciousness. Her nerves and constant complaints of aching gums making the Gilbert frown. She had assumed that the woman had been turned in place of Caroline, yet any hopes she had original harbored. Flew right out the window.

"It's okay—" she whispered to Jenna. Raising her finger to her lips to keep her quiet. A single tear rolling down her cheek as a set of four footsteps approached. Head barely tipping upwards to gaze upon the figures as they emerged from the shadows.

Niklaus was at the forefront with a witch at his side. Elijah and Rosalina slowly trailing behind with impassive expressions upon their face. Their presence, and unforgiving features making her heart drop into her stomach.

Stefan had previously spoken so highly of the blonde. Acting as if she would be there to assist her if it truly came down to it. That her attack the other night was simply an intimidation tactic.

Yet the cold look in her eyes made the Gilbert question how well Stefan really knew the original. Or how well he knew her ability to hold a grudge when it came to misplaced loyalty.

"Here we are—" Nik started, rubbing his hands together before nodding for his witch to step besides their previously set up stone altar. A golden bowl placed atop the rock. "—The moon is at its peak, looks like the show can begin" He grinned.

Elijah and Rosalina sharing a simple look of intrigue at their brothers theatrics. The youngest of the two allowing her lips to tip up slightly. Missing the way the three of them used to be, the subtle looks of amusement shared behind Niks back whilst he proved himself to be the most dramatic.

Besides Rebekah of course.

"Rosalina, Elijah, Shall we?" He asked. Having convinced the two siblings to at least help contain each sacrifice once their flame was tarnished. The blonde more than happy to help keep Elena in check. Where as Elijah offered to assist with Jenna.

The group aware that she would be willing to attack in her hypersensitive transitional state. Especially since the blood she had just recently ingested would give her a boost of power.

They nodded and got into position. Klaus moving to stand besides the witch, Greta, at the altar. Nodding for her to remove the circle around Jules. The werewolf in too much pain from turning to fight back. Her bones cracking over and over whilst Rosalina stepped forwards to drag her to the stone platform.

Feeling not even an ounce of guilt as she tossed her towards her brother. The only thoughts that circulated her mind being those of which reminded her of the pain the woman caused Caroline and herself.

Nik nodded to his sister with a slight hidden look of remorse. He may never admit it, but he hated to see his sister so emotionless. So hateful and menacing. He knew she had gained the trait from the countless years by his side.

He'd regret teaching her those traits for the rest of his pain filled existence.

Pushing his distraught thoughts aside, he focused back on the shivering werewolf. Grinning deviously as he kneeled down and ran a finger over her cheekbones. Whispering out a string of threats about how she had caused his family far too much pain.

Soon after rearing back to shove his hand directly into her chest cavity. Wrapping his fingers around her beating heart with a sense of satisfaction. Ripping the organ from her chest with ease. The girl twitching momentarily before stilling entirely. Eyes glazing over as death consumed her.

The man bringing the now slowly fading organ over to the golden bowl. Plopping it into the metal dish as Greta started to perform her spell. The fire around Jenna slowly fading. Elijah immediately jumping into action. Wrapping his hands firmly around her biceps. Stopping her from the attack she had begun to initiate.

Elena letting out a pathetic plea as the man led her over to their slowly shifting brother. The sandy haired man lifting a stake off of the stone as the noble brother pinned her to the slat with supernatural strength.

Jenna struggled with teary eyes until her last breath. Niklaus embedding the wood deep into her previously beating organ. Killing her effectively, directly after pulling her heart from her chest.

Holding it over the glimmering bowl as he squeezed all remaining blood out of the heart. Afterwards tossing it over his shoulder. Carelessly allowing it to land with a crunch in a pile of leaves and twigs.

Rosalina pressing her lips into a firm line as she neared Elena's circle. Watching as it faded into nothingness. Her hands reaching out to drag the now numb doppelgänger up to the stone platform. Holding her out for Niklaus to take thankfully.

The man holding her in her place with veins crawling beneath his eyes. Leaning in to bite into the base of her neck, fangs sinking into her jugular with an unexplainable ease.

Rosalina watching with sick fascination as the Gilbert's eyes rolled into the back of her head. Eyelids fluttering as she sucked in an abrupt breath. Skin on her neck clenching as she struggled to grasp an extra bit of air.

Limbs going limp in the changing mans arms. His mouth detaching from her throat with a guttural growl. Blood dripping from his lips as he let Elena's deceased form collapse.

The blonde examining the dead woman's form. Finding it odd how peaceful she looked after being drained of every bit of blood. Her brothers bones cracking under the moonlight soon taking her attention.

Wincing as he screamed out in agony. Elijah stepping over to comfort her as their brother shifted for the first time in his life. Eyes opening to show their vibrant gold color. Something that caused the siblings to take a step back nervously.

Smiles rising on their lips as Nik began to grin, child like joy already apparent in his eyes as he allowed the change to continue on. He was finally free.


Word Count: 1205
( edited ✔️ )

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