Chapter Thirty Four

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C H A P T E R - T H I R T Y - F O U R

C H A P T E R - T H I R T Y - F O U R

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beneath the surface of Rosalina and Elijah's skin stopped them from interfering with the sacrifice. The man dropping his original plan of killing his brother. Rosalina happy that her words of wisdom, pleading for him to instead speak with his brother, had left an impression.

They had found where the man resided and confessed that although they wouldn't involve themselves in his shenanigans. They also wouldn't attempt to ruin any of his plans. Making a genuine smile rise on Niklaus's lips. Opening his arms to pull his siblings into a much needed embrace.

That night, their bond grew tighter than ever. The trio finding comfort in one another as they assisted their brother in releasing his true self. Rosalina excited to have her older siblings dream finally fulfilled. Giving him a connect to his blood line.

"I didn't..." Nik trailed off as he attempted to stomach his pride and admit to his siblings something he had previously hid. Thinking that they deserved honesty in return for their loyalty. "—I didn't bury them at sea. I have their coffins, I have them and I plan on reuniting us all as soon as the sacrifice is complete and I'm strong enough to protect us from harm" He confessed.

Elijah froze in his movements, glass halfway brought up to his lips whilst his eyes trailed over to their sister. The sister of which had accidentally spilt her bourbon all over the floor. Her hand having slipped due to shock mid pour.

"I'm sorry-I—" she pulled off her coat and bent to the floor. Pressing the cloth onto the wooden boards, attempting to soak up the liquor mess. Stuttering as she tried to collect her thoughts. She would see her family together again.

"Rosie—You're alright darling" Nik reassured. Setting aside his now empty glass. Standing to assist the clearly shaken woman in relaxing. Whispering repeatedly that she didn't need to apologize for the puddle.

"Do you promise?" She asked softly. The tone bringing the sandy haired man back to a time where her youthful exuberance and genuine innocence would make him bend to her will.

"I promise you, I will reunite us all in a days time" He assured. Feeling an overwhelming sense of warmth run through his system as his sisters arms wrapped around his waist. A joyous sob leaving her lips as she let the excitement envelope her.

"Thank you brother" Elijah commented from besides them. His hand resting gently on Niklaus's shoulder in a relaxed manner. The simple form of comfort making the soon to be hybrid undeniably happy.

Everything was falling into place.


Rosalina was sat on a scarlet red arm chair, eyes gazing downwards at the pages of one of her favorite poetry books. Fingers gently flipping the pages until she landed on one that resonated with her. Those usually being a tad bit darker—Broken, Aching.

Her mind was reeling as she continued to read the printed words. Thoughts only stopping when the sound of Niklaus's front door slammed shut. The violent action shaking the walls momentarily.

Head jolting upwards to look to the entrance hall. A brow raised as her older brother stormed in with his hands flailing. Fury clear in his expression as he began to scream and shout about how insufferable the Salvatore's were.

Or more specifically, how insufferable Damon Salvatore was. Claiming that he had released Caroline and Tyler from his grasp. Rosalina smiling slightly at the fact that the blonde was safe from harm. Especially since she had a feeling that Nik would like her more than he expected.

"Is my plans demise humorous to you?" He asked irritably, noticing the smile on his sisters lips as she shut the book and set it aside. Hair falling over her shoulders as she tipped her head to the side.

"Not exactly, I'm only amused because you find Damon to be so intolerable. Besides, I'm quite happy that Caroline isn't being roped into this any further. She is my friend Nik. She shall be treated as such" She commented. Gaze stern as if she dared him to challenge her on the topic.

"Fine—" He took in a deep breath and tried to remember that his siblings were staying out of it. Therefore he'd respect her request to leave Caroline Forbes out of the equation. "—I do have one request" He started.

Rosalina sighed, she knew he would eventually drag either herself or Elijah into his business. Even if they made it very clear that they wanted nothing to do with it.

"I warned them that if they meddled I would retaliate, harming Elena is already apart of the sacrifice. Yet permanent damage to her life before she passes would be ideal. Any ideas?" He questioned. Knowing his sister was rather brilliant was twisted torture.

"Well, you're down a vampire due to their ridiculous antics. Therefore I say you take someone who means something to them. And make one for yourself" she shrugged as she came up with a solution for her brother to use.

"That is genius darling, thank you" he cheered before exiting the lounge. Picking his brain for the perfect subject to turn. Eventually settling on someone he had the time to bond with when he was in Alaric's body.

Jenna Sommers.

He knew that she meant the world to the Gilbert family. Being their last parental figure, blood wise. This not including John Gilbert, a man who the teens had disregarded entirely.

Although it would be heart breaking for anyone who knew the strawberry blonde woman, it was the perfect way to get under the skin of the mystic crew. His eyes glistening with mischief as he traveled around town in search of her.

Finally finding her hiding within the safety of the Gilbert home. The man demanding Katrina's assistance with the next few steps of his plan. Rosalina giving the doppelgänger the phone so that she could call the woman and pretend to be Elena.

Acting frantic in order to get her out of the house and directly within Niklaus's clutches. Rosalina only feeling a slight twinge of remorse when the call abruptly ended with a scream.

Although the wave emotion quickly passed when Elijah came in and reminded her that their family would soon be reunited. The two quickly leaving Katherine to her own devices as they went to get the house, and themselves, prepared.


Word Count: 1101
( edited ✔️ )

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