Chapter Twenty Five

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C H A P T E R - T W E N T Y - F I V E

C H A P T E R - T W E N T Y - F I V E

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Caroline's aching body. The blonde crying out as she dug her fingers into her skin. Pulling out a multitude of wooden bullets from three separate locations. Her chest heaving once she finally pulled out the third and final bullet.

Her wounds closing up slowly due to her lack of blood intake. Caroline cursing to herself when she realized that exact reason must've been why Rosalina was still dead a few feet away.

She couldn't imagine dying the way Rosalina tended to. A stake to the heart was something vampires feared, yet the original was immune to its affects. At least most of them. She had a temporary death, like Caroline would to a snapped neck or a bullet to the head.

Both of which are incredibly unpleasant. Yet the stake to the heart sounded the most dreadful. Maybe it was because she knew she couldn't wake up if she faced that fate. She wondered what it was like to have enough power in the world to say nothing can kill you.

"Oh stop pouting. Once I'm through with you— you'll be able to see her again" Jules mocked the Forbes. Dangling her future demise directly in front of her face. Unaware that the vampire by her feet was an original.

"You're not going to get away with this" she spat. Ears perking up at the sound approaching steps. Leaves crunching beneath exactly three pairs of feet. Three of which she hoped belong to her friends.

Jules let another shot ring out, Brady sending a single bullet into her thigh to keep her busy. The two lovers quickly exiting the RV moments after. Leaving Caroline to groan and dig her fingers into her skin once more.

A slight twitch in Rosalinas fingers catching her eye. A gasp leaving her lips as she finally ripped the bullet from the wound. Tossing it aside before dragging herself to the edge of the cage. Arm sticking out from between the bars to reach for the blonde.

"Rosalina— please" she cried silently. Tears trailing down her red tinted cheeks. Feeling exhausted from all the pain she had been facing. Wanting more than anything for the Mikaelson to awaken and comfort her. Knowing she always knew the right things to say or do.

The door to the RV opened swiftly. Tyler Lockwood entering with an expression of disbelief at the sight before him. His childhood friend, and current infatuation, was locked up in a rather large kennel of sorts. Blood soaking her clothes as tears poured down her face.

Her arm stretched out as far as it could possibly go in an attempt to reach none other than Rosalina. Her form seemed to catch him off guard the most. Tyler knew the girl from when she helped him turn, and he was aware of the positive affect he had on Caroline and the Salvatore's.

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