Chapter Eight

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C H A P T E R - E I G H T

C H A P T E R - E I G H T

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a few minutes after they had arrived. The original plan was for him to show her around. Yet Elena took the opportunity to drag him away the moment she had gotten her schedule all set. Stefan had sent her an apologetic smile. Feeling bad for ditching her considering she had never gone through the school system before.

Rosalina was grateful that he seemed to care, but she was positive she'd be able to handle everything herself. If she could survive endless threats, and murder attempts. High-school couldn't be that difficult to navigate.

That being said, she sat through three separate classes. Math, English and History. Soon after the bell for third had rung she pulled the teacher aside and compelled him to alert the other teachers that she had been picked up due to a family emergency. That she would be excused for the rest of the day.

The students were unbearable. There were three girls she shared first and third period with. They were gossiping all morning about her and her arrival alongside Stefan Salvatore. They were calling her a home wrecker, assuming she had been sleeping around with a man who was quite obviously spoken for.

It didn't help that a few boys continuously catcalled her in her second period. Firing her up just enough to make the comments from the girls in her third push her over the edge. She stormed through the bustling hallways towards the front of the school. Accidentally slamming into the shoulder of a particular witch.

Bonnie gasped as a vision of a beautiful blonde woman with red tinted eyes and blood covered lips flashed through her mind. She was feeding on someone to the point of their death. A man of which resembled her looks ever so slightly standing behind her with a look of indifference.

The brunette turned to watch the blonde flee the school with a look of fear in her eyes. She needed to tell Elena what she had saw. She spun on her heels and scoured the halls for the Gilbert girl. Practically sprinting towards her once she found her by Caroline's locker. The girl waiting for the blonde before heading to their shared period.

"Elena!" Bonnie gasped out in worry. Glancing around to make sure no one was listening in as she grasped her friends arm. Pulling her flush against the cold metal of the lockers. Leaning in to inform her of her vision.

"I had a vision, that vampire you said came to town and got all up on Damon? She bumped into me and I saw flashes of her and some man. They were feeding on innocent people- she was out of control" Elena gasped at the confession.

"We have to warn Caroline. She's been getting a little too close to the blonde. I don't want her getting hurt" she explained. Practically jumping to inform the Forbes when she caught sight of her and Stefan approaching.

The Salvatore leaned against the lockers with his arms crossed over his chest. Eyes stern as he listened to his girlfriend explain Bonnies vision to Caroline. The Forbes and Salvatore both latching onto the fact that she had fled the school in a panic.

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