Chapter Eighteen

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C H A P T E R - E I G H T E E N

C H A P T E R - E I G H T E E N

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in his pant suit pockets. Jacket discarded on their living rooms arm chair. His sisters blood staining the neckline of the expensive garment. A worrisome frown painted on his lips as he paced.

He knew his sister would survive this unfortunate wound. Yet the sight of her pale, shivering form laying covered in a thin layer of sweat made him as uncomfortable as ever. It was too realistic. Too close to the sight of her on the brink of death. Something he had only seen a few times prior when they were still frail mortals.

Rosalina breathed in and out, shakily trying to steady her heart rate. Only to catch herself on her third intake of oxygen, choking on the air. Beginning to cough violently with her head lifting as if to stop the onslaught of wheezing.

Elijah winced at her sudden lack of air and rushed to her side. Helping as best as he could to elevate her and free up her momentarily blocked airways. Hand rubbing comforting circles on her arm in a way that reminded her of her past.

She looked up into his eyes and furrowed her brows at his now lengthy hair. The front strands tied back in a braid of which was extremely old fashioned. His expression showing concern as he comforted her, trying his best to distract her from their brothers current predicament.

"Elijah, I must go help him— you cannot keep me from helping him" she choked out. Struggling in his grip with a look of pure desperation. Her sudden change in demeanor alerting Elijah of the venoms movement in her system. She was clearly experiencing her first wave of hallucinations.

"We mustn't get involved Rosalina, you know how father will react if you get in his way. Niklaus must take his punishment" Elijah responded sadly. His lips pulled down into a guilty frown. He wished more than anything that he could intervene. Yet their father frightened him more than he'd care to admit.

"I shall not stand for this" she spat. Pushing off the cot she had been laying stiffly upon and running through the lounge space in their current home.

Elijah watched in a panicked manner as his sister shoved him to the ground and ran through their living room. Hand gripping the door knob tightly with sweaty palms. Twisting it roughly before yanking open the entrance.

She stepped through the door and felt the leaves of fall crunch beneath her feet. The mixture of grass and dirt tickling her toes as she sprinted away from her brother, moving in the direction of the other.

"Father! No!" She screamed, rushing to the side to pick up one of their neighbors discarded swords. Swinging the blade with all her might to block the hit her father had intended for her brother. Arms shaking as the metal clashed against one another.

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