Chapter Three

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C H A P T E R - T H R E E

C H A P T E R - T H R E E

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the swooshing sounds of vampires speeding around the house graced their ears. Rosalina stepping up besides the woman who had taken Elena from Elijah's arm. The doppelgänger desperately looking over to the blonde for reassurance. Frowning at the look of malice in her green apple colored eyes.

She was clearly in a mode of protection. Too focused on the possible threat that swirled around her and her brother to give Elena the comfort she clearly was searching for. Much to the doppelgängers dismay.

Rose shook her head desperately to show she knew nothing of the threat lurking in the shadows. Not wanting to face the same demise that her companion had minutes prior. Wanting to live for Trevor and no one else. To make up for the death she had assured him he wouldn't face.

Two voices began to taunt Elena's captures. Both making Rosalinas eyebrows shoot up in surprise, she couldn't quite place them. But they seemed undoubtedly familiar. She had to have met these saviors sometime in her thousand year long past.

Two arrows whizzed through the air, one impaling Elijah in his palm. Whilst the other embedded in Rosalinas rib cage. Nestling between her bones uncomfortably, grinding against her insides in a way that made her groan out in discomfort.

Elijah ripped out the arrow angrily, glancing back to his sister with fury rising in his eyes. The attack on himself was infuriating enough, they didn't have to add fuel to the flame by attacking someone he held dear to his heart.

His eyes soon gazed past the woman as she tugged out the wooden arrow. Noticing that Rose and Elena were now missing from the main foyer. Rosalina shaking her head in disbelief at the actions Elijah was clearly considering.

"Excuse me. To whom it may concern, you're making a great mistake if you think that you can beat me" His hands flew out to the side of his body. Fingers pointing sassily to the side as if it would help make his point. "-You can't. Do you hear that?" He finished. Rosalina placing her hands on her hips as she tuned in to hear any whispers.

Elijah stepping off to the side to pick up one of the left over coatracks. Snapping the wood into two, holding one side as a makeshift stake. Moving around to continue to his ramble. Rosalina tilting her head to the side as she caught glimpse of a brunette man speeding across the hall up the steps.

She decided to keep her lips sealed.

"I repeat, you cannot beat me. So I want the girl, I'm gonna count to 3 or heads will roll. Do we understand each other?" The girl rolled her eyes at the dramatic approach her brother took. Knowing that he meant business, considering the people taking the doppelgänger put a dapper on his prior plans.

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