Chapter Fifty Seven

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C H A P T E R -  F I F T Y - S E V E N

C H A P T E R -  F I F T Y - S E V E N

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phone in disbelief. Her call list all but glaring back at her, the unlabeled numbed screaming for attention. Chest rising up and down in confusion at what she'd just been told.

She'd been in her dorm, waiting for Caroline and Megan to get ready for the party. When she'd first received the call. Answering it just in case either of the Salvatore's had decided to get a new number—not that they'd have reason to.

Except, it hadn't been the brothers. It had been someone she'd never expected to hear from again; Elena Gilbert.

Initially the honey blonde had wanted to slam the phone into the ground and never allow herself to answer unknown calls again. Yet when the unsavory doppelgänger screeched through the system with information that was so much more than interesting, she found herself willingly engaging in conversation.

"Stefan has a doppelgänger!" She shouted, voice causing Rosalina to flinch—both in shock and annoyance.

"What do you mean he has a doppelgänger?" The original demanded. Heart racing at the thought of her boyfriend being a carbon copy of another. Especially when said, other, could be roaming about messing with his life.

"He found me. When I needed someone and he thinks I'm on his side but I have my own agenda. I know you hate me and I don't blame you. Right about now, I hate myself too, but I think we could benefit from helping one another"

Rosalina didn't respond. Silently listening, causing Elena to continue. The Gilbert simply happy that the original hadn't hung up on her yet.

"Our lives aren't the way they should've been. I shouldn't have done what I did with your mother. I should've supported you and you shouldn't have ever died"

"What are you getting at Elena?"

"I want another chance, I want us all to have another chance" she confessed weakly. Hanging up immediately after, stumping the blonde.

She was positive that the girl had gone insane during her time apart from the others. Second chances weren't easily gained. Nor were they as literal as the doppelgänger had made them sound.

"Are you ready?" Caroline cheered, dress swaying as she waltzed in with an eager Megan by her side. Oblivious to the internal struggle her close friend was dealing with.

"Ready as I'll ever be" she offered, plastering a false smile on her face. Tossing her phone onto the bed without a second though. Deciding she'd rather leave it behind to ensure that she could fully enjoy her time with the girls.

"This is so exciting!" Megan squealed. Clapping her hands together as she raced from the dorm. Caroline and Rosalina following close behind. Sharing looks of amusement at the shorter students antics.

Rosalina nudged the blonde beside her with a teasing smile. Leaning closer, to keep Megan from hearing, as she whispered into her ear;

"Reminds me of you, humanized care was quite the gossip?"

Caroline gasped and slapped her friends arm. Horrified at the implication. She didn't want to think about what she was like before her life was flipped upside-down.

"You didn't even know me when I was human!"

"I'm in love with the man who helped you transition, I assure you. I've heard plenty. So much so that I feel as if I was there with you!" She laughed heartily.

"Oh shut up" the blonde rolled her eyes and linked arms with the older vampire. Happily leading her further and further away from their dorms. Veins buzzing with excitement as they joined the crowd of college-goers who eagerly awaited their entrance into the party.

Neither aware of the stares they received from one man in particular across the way. Far too engrossed in their teasing conversations.

Wes glowered at the two. Leaning further into his poorly chosen hiding place. Phone pressed firmly to his ear as he carefully relayed his desired instructions.

"Dark haired girl, glasses. She's walking up with two blondes, do you see her?" He questioned. Knowing that the man he spoke to already had obtained a photograph of the girl.

"I see her" his thick accent was far more rugged due to his exhaustion. Words strained as he attempted to keep away from anyone on the downstairs floor of the building he was in.

"I want you to kill her, drink from her if you need" he mumbled. Eyes set on the trio as they neared the front door. Megan walking in with ease whilst the others seemed to freeze in horror.

"And then?"

"And then I want you to dump her out the window. Make sure she lands in sight of the girls she was with, they won't be inside. I assure you"

He hung up without another word. Heated glare settled onto Rosalina and Caroline as they scrambled for an explanation to the boy at the front door. Rushing off the top step to walk alongside the building with annoyed frowns.

Caroline had her arms crossed, whilst Rosalina borrowed her phone. Likely calling the girl who had found her way inside without them.

His own eyes trailing up to the second floor as the girls heads began to tip upwards. Lips pulled up into a smug smile, chest tightening with evil-excitement as a shadow figure sprinted from window to window.

The girls below growing progressively more frantic as Megan screamed for help. Only to cease her shouts seconds later, no doubt due to the actions of his partner in crime. Body being thrown own the farthest window.

Landing with an uncomfortable crunch several feet ahead of them. Limbs slumped in an odd fashion. Neck craned to the side. Displaying two puncture marks proudly on the skin. Blood staining the outer edges of the wound.

Wes, satisfied with their obvious terror, waltzed away from the scene. Prepared to hear all about the encounter from the others on campus. Zero doubt on who he'd be blaming the event on.


Word Count: 1015
( unedited ✔️ )

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