Chapter Fifty Eight

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C H A P T E R - F I F T Y - E I G H T

C H A P T E R -  F I F T Y - E I G H T

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had requested Elena partake in was rather extensive. Sending her to several locations in search of the witch he was desperately needing.

She, of course, went to each location and searched with infinite caution. Careful not to miss a single piece of information in the hopes of finding the witch for herself.

Besides the occasional hint to where the woman resided. Not once had she been able to find a solid clue. Nor had she been questioned by Silas on her loyalty.

A fact that she found rather amusing considering they had barely knew one another. It was likely her looks, yet again, had assisted her in gaining the interest and trust of a hundred year old mythical creature.

At this point she considered adding it to her resume.

Nevertheless, he was under the impression she was going to report to him immediately with any updates. Since she 'wanted to get her life back'. Which was a partial truth.

The only misunderstanding was on what terms she wished to retrieve her old life. She didn't want to harm those she held dear. Nor did she intend to harm the honey blonde original.

The ringing of her phone knocked her out of her thoughts. Car swerving slightly as she rushed to answer the call. Listening intently as the powerful man's voice echoed out of the vehicles sound system. Her eyes refocusing on the road ahead of her.

"I have a lead, wherever you are. Pull over and figure out which way you need to go to reach Joes Bar" he spoke. Not a single hint of hesitation in his voice.

"You want me to go to a bar?" She asked, steering her car off to the side in order to give her space to flip the car around. Remember a building with the same name in neon lights back the way she had came.

"Yes. I want you to go to a bar, and then I want you to kill the bartender and find the witch. She lives nearby, a cabin—you bring her to me. Understood?"

She hummed, ending the call with a roll of her eyes. She didn't appreciate being bossed around, and if she wasn't just as interested in finding the woman she'd have ran from the man ages ago.

Pressing down on the gas she sped towards the bar. Car practically leaving a trail of burnt tire marks as she parked. Leaving the door to the vehicle open as she made her way towards the bars threshold.

Happy to find that an invitation wasn't required once she stepped foot inside. Eyes narrowed into slits, calculated gaze taking in the lack of company.

There were zero customers and seemingly zero employees. Causing her to approach the counter with an overwhelming sense of annoyance. Heavy sigh leaving her lips just as she reached the wooden bar.

Taking a page out of Katherine's book, she lifted herself up onto the counter and leaned back on her palms. Crossing one leg over the other. A devious expression on her face as she listened to the approaching clicks of, who she assumed to be, the bartenders shoes.

"We're closing soon" the bartender called. Her holding an air of disbelief. Probably from the brunettes current position.

Elena let her head tip to the side. Body swiveling until her legs landed on the opposite side of the bar. One hand raising to move about to amplify her words.

"Don't worry, this won't take long" she assured. Frowning when the woman froze, appearing rather frightened.

"Katherine..." she mumbled. Taking several steps back until her bottom hit the edge of the back shelves.

Elena tutted at her assumption. Gracefully dropping off the counter, taking equal steps towards the girl. Channeling all the anger she used to feel about being compared to the original Petrova doppelgänger.

"Oh, I'm not Katherine—"

Her hand shot out to wrap around the woman's neck. Pressing her further into the back wall. Veins crawling under her eyes. Spreading down her cheeks whilst her fangs began to protrude from her gums.

She ripped into the woman's jugular for dramatic affect. Pulling away moments later with a grin. Licking her lips as she compelled the woman to forget that she had been there before disappearing. Having left her with an urge to flee town, ensuring Silas wouldn't find her alive.

Once she was satisfied with her display of reckless actions. She made her way out of the bar and towards the back. Where a trail led into the woods. A rustic cabin tucked in between the trees that littered the field.

Sighing, she sped her way through the branches. Pausing the moment she neared the buildings porch. Fingers trailing along the edge of the railing that paired with the front steps. Feet carefully padding upwards. Wood creaking beneath her shoes.

Her hand raised to knock on the door. Wincing when it opened before she had the chance to official tap the paneling. Lips pursing as a wave of nostalgia rushed through her. It was eerily similar to the first time she'd met Damon.

Despite the similarities, she entered. Against her better judgement—well aware of the possibility of the woman lurking within the home.

"Hello?" She called out. Cringing as she recalled all the girls who were killed in horror movies for the same damned line. Shaking her head as she assured herself that her vampiric abilities would likely give her more leverage than the average final girl.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes"


Word Count: 946
( unedited ✔️ )

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