Chapter 165: Capitalism power

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Aqua: ... He does have a lot of negative traits, but I think he has some positive traits too. No matter what kind of complex issue you bring to him, he will always find a way to resolve it. At the end of the day, Kazuma is the most reliable person I know.

Yunyun: Wh- Why didn't you say that earlier ? A- Aqua-san, everyone's staring ! A grown woman like you shouldn't do stupid stuff in public !

"Let her do her party tricks, it's not like she's hurting anyone..."

Yunyun: A-Aqua-san, what should we do with all these tips... !? Actually, is it really fine to leave just like that after putting everyone in such a lively mood... ?

Aqua: It's fine. And I don't need tips. I'm not a busker, so I can't accept that. Is there a branch of the Axis Cult here ? Just donate all those tips to them...

"... Speaking of the mood, I think people over here aren't in too good of one for some reason... The atmosphere seems heavy."

Aqua: let's go check it out. If they are having problems with the water, that'd be the perfect chance for me to step in.

Yunyun: P- Please wait. Um, I'll go ask them for the details first ! I mean, you always end up getting involved in strange problems, so i'm sure this time too... !

Aqua: Just who do you think I am ? It'll be fine, Yunyun. If it's a problem with water, you can count on the Axis Cult ! And if an Archpriest of the Axis Cult like me were to handle it, the problem is as good as resolved !

Yunyun: Aqua-san, I have a really bad feeling about this ! Ah, please wait !

"Hold on. Let her cook..."

Aqua: Are you having some problems with the water ? I'm just a traveling Archpriest of the Axis Cult that happened to pass by. If you mention water, you think about the Axis Cult !

Citizens: A- Axis cult ?! H- Hey, is it that Axis Cult ? It's best not to get involved...

Manager: Er, you see, it appears that our reservoir has been polluted. A brood of young brutal alligators have started making their nest nearby because of that. Those creatures will release a powerful toxin into their surroundings when wounded, so it's hard for us to deal with them. These creatures dislike clean water, so if the reservoir is purified, they should migrate elsewhere on their own, but...

Aqua: Ah, I see. That's a big problem. Now then, if you'll excuse me...

Yunyun: Aqua-san, where are you going ?! What happened to all that spirit from before ?!

Aqua: Let go of me, Yunyun ! I have really bad memories concerning those alligators ! It's just like you said earlier, I have a really bad feeling about this... !

Yunyun: I- I get it, I get it ! You'll trip if you run like that so- Ah !


"Well, doesn't matter if she wanted it or not, she's in the reservoir now..."

Yunyun: Sorry, Aqua-san ! I'll pull you out right now... Ah ! The alligators are approaching ! Please hold on for a while ! I'll take out the alligators first !

Manager: W-Wait a minute ! We'd be really thankful to have them taken care off, but if you take them out here our precious water source will be contaminated ! T-That's right ! Let's put our heads together and think of another way ! Someone bring an oar or something ! We need to pull that lady out !

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