Chapter 145: Bomber Majin Moguninin

437 33 4

" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Aqua: Waaaahh !! Yunyun ! Yunyun !

Yunyun: Light of Saber !!

Kazuma: Snipe ! Snipe ! Snipe ! Ahh, Yunyun ! Yunyun ! Save me !

Yunyun: Lightning Strike !!

"... ... ... ..."


"... i'm fine."

Darkness: Oh ! Those are the famous paralyze Slimes ! It's a dangerous monster that paralyzes its prey before taking its time to digest it with its acidic body ! Ordinary people would be dissolved along with their equipment, but if I were caught, my clothes and armor would go first ! But don't worry, I won't give in to such humiliation...

Yunyun: Inferno !!

Megumin: ... Yunyun, can I have a word ?

"Darkness, stop cradling the slimes' remains, please..."

Yunyun: What's wrong, Megumin ? I'm busy looking out for monsters with my Search Spell right now... Ah, there are some monsters lurking around a short distance away from us. Leave it to me, I'll wipe them out in an instant.

Megumin: You don't need to ! Actually, what's with you today ? You're being unusually aggressive.

Yunyun: Do you really think so... ? I mean, thinning out the monsters who are living around the village is also one of the duties of the chief, right ? Plus I still have plenty of mana to spare, and I've brought plenty of manatite in case I run out.

Megumin: You're way too into this ! Which country are you planning on going to war with by bringing so many high quality manatite with you ?! We're a party, so there's no need for you to charge on ahead !

"... Says the one always begging to have all the spotlight..."

Megumin: Shut it !

 Megumin: Shut it !

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Yunyun: Party... Hehe, ehehe...

Megumin: Stop doing that, it's creepy ! Why are you smiling when someone is lecturing you ?! It's rude !

Aqua: Isn't it fine ? We should be thankful to Yunyun for taking all of them out. There's no danger to us, and it's smooth sailing, so there's nothing to lecture her about.

Darkness: Slime... Slime... Paralyze Slime...

Megumin: There absolutely is ! If Yunyun hogs the spotlight, there won't be any chance for me to shine ! I'm going to find strong monsters around here to use my Explosion on !

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