Chapter 93: No funds ?

911 42 15

 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Aqua: Woah... Hey, hey, this castle is pretty expensive-looking, isn't it ? Darkness, regardless of whether it's the size of the financial sector or the size of the Castle, doesn't our capital lose to this place in a variety of ways ?

"The former now partially belongs to me, so I don't think it could be sed as a measuring unit anymore..."

Megumin: This is really something else isn't it ? If I struck this place with Explosion magic, I wonder what would happen ? I feel like I might start chanting just thinking about it.

"Aaaand that's the part when you go back to the hotel and let grown-ups handle that matter. So move along, Megumin."

Aqua: Hey, hey, if I do a performance to change the sign on the castle's flag to the insignia of the Axis cult, do you think they'll be surprised ?

Darkness: Aqua, Aqua. When we get back to Axel, I'll have House Dustiness donate to the Axis Cult, so please act maturely for today.

"... ... Why did we bring these kids along... Kazuma, let's please forget I put that cast around your neck and act like adults for once-"

Kazuma: Alrighty then, let's see how much of a man that little brat we're going to meet is. I wonder how long he'll last under my attacks ?

"That's it, all of you guys will have the privilege to test the new Winding express delivery. Not only am I a bodyguard while you guys tagged along for laughs and giggles, we now are representative for our nation, so be a bit more conscious of your behavior."

Iris: ... This is my first meeting with the prince, but I don't feel nervous at all because everyone is here with me. Thank you, everyone.

Kazuma: See ? Iris is completely calm and displaying proper manners. Despite being her retainers, why are you two being the noisiest of all of us ?

"... After we're done here, the expression 'having a stick up your butt' will lose all figurative meaning for you, Kazuma."

???: Geez, this is why Belzerg's commoners are so... making a fuss in front of the castle, do you even know what etiquette is ?

 making a fuss in front of the castle, do you even know what etiquette is ?

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'... His majesty, I suppose. You guys all behave, now. Or else no allowance.'

Iris: Uhm... Are you the first prince of Elroad, Revi-sama ? I am the first princess of Belzerg, Iris. I came all the way here to see you, so I'm happy we are able to meet today.

Darkness: L- Lady iris...

Revi: So you're my fiancé ? Although I heard that even the female children of the Belzerg family are militants, you actually look pretty weak. And here I was thinking that I would see a strong a cool appearance. How disappointing.

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