Chapter 122: Lord of Brutality

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Darkness: It's great that we managed to stumble upon this cave. With this, we don't have to set up a tent, and we can block the entrance with the entrance with the carriage after moving the horses to the back of the cave. Looks like we'll be able to sleep soundly tonight.

Kazuma: Yeah.

Darkness: We have some jerky and hardtack, so let's have ourselves a simple dinner with these.

"You look like you're really looking forward to try the jerky, aren't you ? can't blame you, I've been as well."

Kazuma: Yeah.

Darkness: After dinner, let's lay down a blanket somewhere in the cave and go to sleep. It's a pity that we can't have a bath, but we can at least wipe ourselves down.

Kazuma: Yeah.

"Are you even listening at all ?"

Kazuma: Yeah, I am. You want me to use Create Water to make some water to wash up, right ? Give me a sec, I'll do it right now.

"... Not what I had in mind or asked for, but your help is very welcome. I wouldn't mind grabbing a bit to eat first, so why not try out these rations ? Hardtack first..."


All: Tough !

Kazuma: hey, what the hell ? I've heard that hardtack is tough, but I didn't expect it to be this tough. How are we even supposed to bite into this ?

Darkness: Why are you asking me that ? ... Aren't I a sheltered lady ? I know little of the outside world. This is something that you should know.

"... I feel like you'd need to let it soak in water for a good while before it's edible... What about the jerky ?"


All: Salty !

Kazuma: Hey, isn't it dangerous to eat this ? We'll definitely get hypertension and die if we eat this. Actually, isn't this just a ball of salt ?

Darkness: Shouldn't this be used as stock in some kind of stew or something ? It certainly looks like it'd be bad for you if you eat it straight up...

"I mean... It's supposed to last for a long time, so it'd make scene to be salty... Maybe we should wash it off first or something..."

Kazuma: ... I have a better idea.

Darkness: H- hey, where are you going this late at night, Kazuma ?

Kazuma: i'm a NEET who grew up in the country of fine cuisine like Japan. There's no way I could eat this ! Especially not after our standard of living has been steadily rising ! I have Farsight, Enemy detection, and Snipe. I can easily bag a rabbit or two. I'll go out for a short hunt, you stay here and gather up some twigs and branches. If it's just long enough to cook a meal, making a small fire shouldn't attract the attention of any monsters.

Darkness: You really are reliable at times like this...

"Honestly, I think your class wouldn't be 'adventurer' at this point, but rather 'survivor'... But that gave me an idea..."

"Aaahh... Going on a trip always feels better after a meal and a night of sleep..."

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