Chapter 146: Need a hand

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Megumin: Mmm... Behold my power... Release the forbidden seal... Lay waste to all creation... Zzzz... H- H... ? Sorry, Kazuma, but.. Can I ask what you are doing ?

Kazuma: I was just watching the sleeping face of the people I love.

Megumin: What do you mean people you love ?! Why are you naked from the waist up ?!

Kazuma: Well, when you wake up next to a half-naked person of the opposite gender, you would normally think that something happened, right ?

Megumin: Of course ! Isn't this a really big deal ?! Ah, wait, my bra is missing ?!

Kazuma: I thought you might have trouble sleeping if you had something constricting your chest. Also, I heard that you'll grow bigger breasts if you sleep without a bra.

Megumin: I don't need your concern over such matters ! You don't usually pay much heed to me, so why are you so concerned only at such times ?! Even if it's you, removing my bra while I'm sleeping...

 Megumin: I don't need your concern over such matters ! You don't usually pay much heed to me, so why are you so concerned only at such times ?! Even if it's you, removing my bra while I'm sleeping

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Kazuma: Oh, don't worry, I properly removed it with Steal like a gentleman.

Megumin: Oh, how considerate of you ! That goofy smile of yours is really infuriating ! What would you have done if you accidentally took my panties instead ?!

Kazuma: Now, now, calm down. It'd be boring if you thought nothing happened despite us sharing the same bed just like all the previous times, so I thought I'd give you a little surprise. Did I scare you ?

Megumin: Yeah you did ! You really didn't do anything, right ?! I don't want to become an adult without remembering any of it !

Kazuma: Don't worry, you know me. I'm not that gutsy.

Megumin: That's pretty convincing, but it's quite pathetic to hear that from the person I like ! ... Seriously, what kind of person is my mother... Casting Sleep on her daughter and letting her share a bed with a man, just how little common sense does she have...

Kazuma: Well, that lack of common sense just means that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Megumin: ... ... I'm not exactly opposed to that sort of relationship, you know ? It's just that, crossing the line because of my mother's schemes while in my own home is a little...

Kazuma: Well, even if you say that, something will definitely interfere, right ? I've been wondering if I'm under some sort of curse to remain a virgin for life. I've asked Aqua to check if I'm actually cursed several times, but she keeps saying i'm fine. Seriously, how did he manage to lose his virginity like that while i'm stuck being a virgin is astounding...

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