Chapter 47: Legacy.

Start from the beginning

"I do." Sean answered with no hesitation. "I..." He looked at the Keepers. "To wield such power... I can't let it fall into the wrong hands." He said this right as a bright glow appeared behind Fig.

Fig had put a hand on Sean's shoulder. "I understand. I will help you however I can. You won't be alone in protecting the Repository. Perhaps it's also time we... trusted others. Trust more... it's something I have not been able to do since Miriam died." He admitted. "She was always good in trusting the right people. Me... I'm not good." 

"You trusted me." Sean assured. "And I trust-"  

"WAIT!" A Voice had suddenly yelled. And both Sean and Fig turned to see the Spirit of the Wolf appear before Sean and Fig. Now visible for everyone to see. "You are making a mistake, Young Druid!" 

"Spirit?" Sean asked surprised to see the Spirit of the Wolf in front of him.

"A Wolf Spirit?!" Fitzgerald asked in shock. "Sean Cormag has a Spirit to guide him?!"  

"Um... Sean? Is this the Spirit of the Wolf?" Fig asked awkwardly.

"It is. Yes." Sean answered. "But I don't understand. What are you doing here?" 

"You mustn't repeat the mistakes of the past, Young Druid." The Spirit informed Sean. 

"Repeat the Mistakes?" Sean asked confused. 

"While it is the right decision to deny the power that the Repository holds, to simply seal it away forever would be even more foolish." The Spirit answered as it trotted around Sean and Fig. "Isidora Morganach had intended to create such power to heal the world of pain. She sought to control the power for herself. What she did not count on, was being corrupted by the power and allowing it to twist her mind. She thought that she was in control, when in reality, she was the one being controlled. When the Keepers learned this, they put a stop to it. And sought to seal it away in the hopes of the 5th Eagle of their Prophecy would make the same decision that they did. I thought sealing it away would be best for you at first. But I was wrong." 

"I know that." Sean pointed out. "About Isidora. But when you say-"  

"We did what had to be done." Rackham said. "We couldn't destroy the Repository. It was much safer to seal it away." 

"You couldn't... or you wouldn't?" The Spirit asked pressing its head towards them. 

The Keepers remained silent. 

"What?" Sean asked. "You told me you couldn't find a way to destroy the Repository." He told the Keepers. 

"They lied." The Spirit informed. "The possibility was always there to destroy it. They sought to make sure no one remembered what had happened. They obliviated minds, they erased all traces of evidence. Save one. The Journal of Bragbor. And who should find it, but Ranrok? The very descendant of Bragbor who sought to use the Repository for his own making." 

"But I can stop Ranrok before he gets it, Spirit." Sean pointed out.

"Yes, you can." The Spirit replied. "There is no denying that you have the power to do so. You've come so far, Sean. And you are to be commended for what you have done. But it will simply not be enough. Your destiny is not simply to be Keeper. Your destiny is to guide, lead, protect as best as you can." 

"And he can do that as Keeper!" Fitzgerald interrupted. "Do you remember what we have discussed, Sean? Light cannot exist without darkness. Just as Darkness cannot exist without light. That is the Repository." 

"Wrong again." The Spirit corrected. "This is not light or darkness. It is power. Power that Isidora Morganach sought to save the world from pain. Power that Rookwood claimed was his birthright. Power that Ranrok himself now seeks. And Power that you yourself, Sean... wish to keep sealed away." 

Sean Cormag and the Legacy of Hogwarts.Where stories live. Discover now