Chapter 26: Fire and Vice.

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Sean then soon enough found himself in Professor Fig's Office and told him about his encounter with the Super Mech. And Ranrok's progress. And with Sarah there as well. 

"Merlin's Beard." Fig commented when he was told the story. 

"Yeah. We got lucky. I was able to stop that Super Mech of Ranrok's." Sean had said. 

"We saw what those Prototypes were capable of back at Rookwood's Castle. I never thought that in a million years that Ranrok would perfect for the Mechs so easily." Fig replied. 

"He forced Adelaide's Uncle into helping him with fixing the flaws of the Mechs. And the Super Mechs." Sean added. "I was able to save him though. But not before the modifications were completed." 

"Well, good thing that you were able to save him. If you hadn't, then who knows what would've happened." Fig replied. "Where is Mr. Oakes right now?" 

"He's gone back to the Ministry to tell them what has happened." Sean answered. 

"Adelaide sounded very shellshocked by the experience." Sarah commented. "She's told Poppy and I everything in the Dorm room. She especially is extremally grateful to you, Sean. You saved her Uncle." 

"I know." Sean replied. 

"This is... good." Fig said after a pause.

"What is?" Sean asked.

"That Rowland Oakes has gone to the Ministry to tell them what has happened." Fig answered. "Now the kidnapping of a Metal Trader. And the building of a Mechanical Goblin Army is something that the Ministry cannot ignore. Action will have to be taken. And it'll take the pressure off us."  

"It's a start, but it won't stop the Goblins. And I'm not so certain that the Ministry will be quick to act on it." Sean admitted. "Isn't that whole squabbling band of Wizards just going to put in some legislature and not do anything until it's far too late?" He asked. 

"In most cases, yes." Fig answered. "Now you know why I never joined the Ministry. But in terms of Code Red Crisis and other events such as these, this is something that cannot be ignored." He then looked at Sean. "You did a good thing, Mr. Cormag. You helped protect a man. You also kept his Niece safe, and you guided her through a very difficult time. And your wisdom in keeping her calm also helped. Take heart." 

"And at the least. You also saved a man. And actually kept him alive." Sarah added. "I just wish that we could've saved Deek's friend." 

"You mean Tobbs the House Elf?" Fig asked. 

"There was nothing we could've done." Sean said to Sarah. 

"So what happens now?" Sarah asked. 

"Now. We proceed with our plan and wait for Headmistress Fitzgerald to prepare for the next trial." Fig answered. "It may take longer than we think because of-"  

The doors had burst open. And out came Headmaster Black in the flesh. 

"Headmaster Black." Fig groaned. 

"Fig." The Headmaster burst into Hogwarts in a clearly grumpy mood, and a superiority to put himself in charge. As usual. "This is a catastrophe. You will speak to me now!" He demanded.

"Headmaster. This isn't a good time-" Fig started to say. 

"This is as good a time as any." Black said. "Why am I getting all of these strange reports of you traversing North of Hogsmeade and one of the Hamlets grateful to a certain Celt for saving their lives?" He asked. 

"You don't think we should've saved their lives?" Sean asked.

"I wasn't talking to you, Celt." Black glared at Sean. 

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