Chapter 5: You don't make Friends without making Enemies.

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So after Sean had managed to complete those tasks for Professor Ronen, and Sean had gotten the certain Charm known as Reparo. A mending charm that allowed a Witch or Wizard to repair a broken item in a heart beat. "You just can't repair a broken heart. Believe me. I've tried." Ronen had said to Sean. 

He did manage to find Sarah by the stairs talking with Natty. "There's just something about Sean's mind that I noticed. He makes observations, Natty. He analyzes. He waits and strikes." Sarah said.

"That would explain how he beat me at Summoner's Court." Natty greeted. 

"I could give you a list of how I beat you if I like." Sean offered walking up. 

"Sean." Sarah smiled. "Perfect timing. We were just talking about you." 

"I was just explaining to Sarah how you and Sebastian won the first match at the dueling club." Natty explained. 

"Yeh saw?" Sean asked surprised. "I didn't see ya. Too focused on the match." 

"I was watching from the sidelines." Natty explained. "Never really was a dueler myself." 

"Pity." Sean commented. 

"Sorry I missed your first match, Sean. Complications with Magical Creatures. Poppy is really getting hectic about it." Sarah said. 

"Don' fret. Yeh can always watch more matches." Sean assured. He was understanding of Sarah's predicament. Especially when it came to helping people. That was Sarah's nature. 

"Professor Weasley told me that you needed to go to Hogsmeade?" Sarah asked confirming her suspicions for the delay. 

"Yeah. But after I completed my assignments with Professor Ronen. Which I will add took about 30 minutes." Sean answered. "I was hoping that you could come with me and help me find my way around." 

"First time in Hogsmeade no doubt." Sarah grinned. "I'll go with you, Sean. No doubt that you'll want your old things again- and to see the village." 

"And my own wand." Sean added. "And maybe taste this Butterbeer yeh all talk so much about." 

Sarah and Natsai both looked at Sean in shock that there might as well have been a record scratch. 

"You've never had a Butterbeer before?!" Sarah asked in disbelief. 

"No, Sarah. Yeh know that." Sean answered. 

"Okay." Sarah declared. "This is an emergency! You need to go to Hogsmeade right now and get a Butterbeer! And I'll go with you to make sure I see it for myself!" She grabbed Sean's arm and practically him out of the castle. 

"Sarah! I can walk just fine!" Sean protested. "You rarely get this excited back home!"  

"Because it's a Village! Not Church!" Sarah reminded. 

Natsai just stood there looking at the whole predicament. "Hm." She pondered. "A trip to Hogsmeade... and Sean is going to try his first Butterbeer." Nobody asked her to attend. But she would attend nonetheless. And she could also give Sean a first rate Hogsmeade experience. There wasn't much time to play Quidditch anyway since the Headmaster banned it. And it would do her good to get a breath of Fresh Air after being cooped up in Ancient Runes. 

Outside of the Hogwarts Grounds, Sean looked back to see the Castle in more of its splendid glory. Well as much as Sarah would allow him to look back as she practically dragged him to Hogsmeade. "So... Sean. What do you think of Hogwarts so far?" Sarah asked.

"Interesting to say the least." Sean answered. "Who would've expected that Professor Hecat could move like that at her old age." 

"Oh, she's not as old as you might think." Sarah chuckled.

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