Chapter 3: Welcome to Hogwarts.

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Sean had walked through the Front Courtyard with Professor Fig. "You'll find that Hogwarts has many Classrooms, 7 Halls, and a Grand Staircase... but, more of that later. For now... let us go to the Great Hall." Fig beckoned.

"The Great Hall?" Sean asked.

"The Great Hall will be where you will join your fellow students, eat your meals, and where the Sorting Ceremony will take place." Fig answered. 

"Right then." Sean replied. He noticed 4 different banners in the Antechamber. One was Red and Gold with a Lion. Another was Black and Yellow with a Badger. Another was Blue and Bronze with an Eagle. And the Final one was Green and Silver with a Serpent.

Fig noticed. "Ah. These would be the 4 Houses of Hogwarts." He explained. "Every new student is to be sorted into one of the 4 Houses. They are Gryffindor: The Brave and the Chivalrous, Hufflepuff: The Determined and Helpful, Ravenclaw: The Intelligent and Wise, and Slytherin: The Cunning and Ambitious. Your House will be like your family. You will eat, sleep, and live among your peers in the Common Room. Triumphs will earn you points."  

"Points?" Sean asked.

"For the Hogwarts House Cup. Think of it like an award every year to see who can be the most academically successful." Fig answered. "Of course, naturally... any rule breaking will lose you House Points." 

"Naturally." Sean replied. 

Fig took a quick peak through the doors to the Great Hall. "Ah, good. We haven't missed the ceremony." He said. 

Fig then took a look at Sean. "What?" Sean asked.

Fig was also looking at Sean's clothes. And he took out his wand. "I'm no expert... but..." And with a wave of his wand. Sean's clothes were changed to black school robes, black pants, black boots, and an H as an insignia. Indicating to Sean that he was a new student yet to be sorted. "That seems more appropriate." 

Sean looked down at himself. "Is this what everyone wears?" He asked. 

"Not exactly. You will have a different color tone in accordance with your house. That will change when you get sorted." Fig answered. "Now- I need to study this locket as soon as I can, but first I must contact the Ministry. They need to know what happened to George- and be warned of Ranrok." 

Sean nodded. 

"For the moment, I must ask that you keep all that's happened this evening between you and me." Fig requested.

"You have my word." Sean assured. 

"Thank you." Fig replied. "Ready for the Sorting Ceremony?" He asked a little more excited. 

Fig opened the door again. And Sean could see a student standing in the front. A Hat placed off his head from a stool. With a man in a suit with some strange dark hairdo. And an older woman with Red Hair in a Professor's uniform. A Hat was in the Woman's hand. 

The Man stood at the center. He noticed Fig standing by the door. And The man had walked towards Fig and Sean. "Who's that?" Sean asked.

"Phineas Nigellus Black." Fig answered with a sigh. "Prepare yourself to meet the Headmaster." 

The Headmaster: A.K.A: Phineas Nigellus Black, walked towards Fig and Sean. 

Black looked at Sean with a sneer. 

"Headmaster Black?" Sean asked. 

"Afraid so." Black answered with a very dignified tone in his voice. But it was more of a: 'I'm better than you at everything' to Sean. Then he turned to Fig. "Fig. How nice of you and this... Celt here to join us." 

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