XC. Horace Slughorn

Start from the beginning

Sirius though didn't find it that funny as he narrowed his eyes pointedly at Remus "I haven't shagged you, yet, eh?"

"That's not what he meant" defended Regulus. It took both Remus and Regulus to understand what Sirius just said and they both gaped at him. "You're fine with shagging lads?" Remus didn't want to ask, but he needed to

Sirius shrugged nonchalantly "Sure, mate I'll do anything as long as it's pleasurable, and mommy dearest would get a stroke out of. I'll do it!"

The three couldn't help but snort at his words, James being the first to comment "Pad you're really a pig"

"I'm a dog actually"

With a casual sweep of his hand he sends a wizard flying backwards and a witch screams. In the background two Death Eaters abduct a shrouded figure belonging to none other than Ollivander himself. Greyback grins satisfied with their word, then apparates, along with the others... leaving Diagon Alley behind.

Narcissa narrowed her eyes at the screen as she asked "That was Ollivander, wasn't it?"

"Indeed" nodded a frowning Slughorn, wondering what is going "What I don't understand, why is it that death eaters are abducting a wand maker? What could they possible need with Ollivander?"

"Very good question, Horace" nodded Dumbledore, this time it seems he didn't know either.

"He's still recruiting beings, that Voldemort, ain't he?" glowered Moody, eyes locked on the hairy figure of the werewolf. "That Fenrir Greyback, ain't he? Still a bloody nutcase eh?"

Hermione and Annie nodded grimly "You have no bloody idea"

The streets of London appear, and then the river. Black trails -- the Death Eaters -- streak across the sky and then turn translucent as they encircle the Millennium Bridge. Pedestrians peer upward, bewildered, sensing a shift in the atmosphere. And then... The bridge crumbles into the Thames, the image horrifyingly beautiful, as is the sound of it, a roar, a wail, the last cry of a lion. Followed by screams of the muggles.

The scene drifts to Cokeworth town, the street of Spinner's end to be exact... where tall grasses toss dreamily in a slanting rain. An old mill lists like an ancient ruin against a charcoal sky.

Lily narrowed her eyes, instantly recognizing the place, she was more than sure, her eyes snapped to Severus Snape as she muttered "That's...." he was looking at the screen in shock as well, he never thought he'd see that hometown again. As much as he hated it, it was his first home before Hogwarts.

"What is Lily-flower?"

"That's where I grew up... The town I mean"

"Really?" Marlene sounded surprised, she didn't know what she expected Lily's hometown to look like, but not that gloomy, she always pictured it to be just as bright as the red headed witch with the striking green eyes

"I mean it changed, really changed, but it's unmistakably the same place" she smiled softly.

And just then a dark figure, belonging to a woman materializes. Narcissa Malfoy née Black peaks from under the dark hood she was wearing, she looks about the street she landed in, looking warily and right then another witch materializes, the figure belonging to the crazed Bellatrix Lestrange née Black. Her older sister

The two sisters frowned at their sudden apparition to the place, why in Salazar's name would they go to a muggle town?

Lucius turned from the screen to eye his fiancée "What in Merlin's beard are you doing there?"

"Do we look like we know?" sassed an annoyed Bellatrix

His parents didn't know, but Draco knew what she was doing there, knew the risk she was taking by going there. For him, all for him, but he blamed it on his father, because it sure was Lucius Malfoy's fault for getting them mixed into that never ending cycle of death and revenge. It was his fault, he was never going to forgive him, for the pain his mother had to endure, the pain he watched her hide behind fake smiles and encouraging eyes. And after everything she stayed loyal to the man, claiming his father loved them truly

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