Days in the Paris sun

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Muggle AU 

POV James (ooo look at me doing a James Pov be proud people 😂 )

I lay in my bed in the early days of the morning as the sun shines though the window onto my lovers face, regulus lays on my lap sleeping peacefully, a smile creeps onto my face, as I try and fathom what my life have become, I pick up my book form my side draws (really it's regulus book that i have borrowed) and start read it.

I watch from my bed out the window at the eiftower when I hear a voice coming form below me "mmm" I look down smiling "hay baby" he looks up at me "matin amour... quelle heure est-il ?" I laugh moving his hair out of his face "I don't speak French Reggie" he titles his head as the realism sets in "oh yeah!! Sorry love what's the time" I smile looking at my watch "9:30" he nods sitting up placing a quick kiss on my lips before getting up, I watch him walk away wearing my shirt as it slides off his shoulder I smile as he scratches his hair pouring himself a cup of coffee and walking around our room touching the plants he places his coffee on the side grabbing a jug of water and watering the plants I smile at him grabbing my polaroid camera and snapping a picture "did you just take a picture of me?" He ask looking at me I hide the camera "nope..." he laughs nodding "sureee" he lights some insents waving it around the loft I watch in awe

"what do you wanna do today? Paint? Book date?!" He smiles laying down on the bed with a big stretch "you know what we never done... in the 6 months of living here we never go to a art museum" he stops in his tracks looking at me a big smile springs on his face "YES PLEASE PLEASE JAMIE" I smile "come on get changed we bike there" I say standing up form my bed and walking to my wardrobe picking out a outfit and getting changed i hear Reggie behind me running around packing his bag I smile walking to into the kitchen and grabbing a empty coffee cup regulus loves to re-use and poring his half drank coffee in there adding some hot chocolate mix and placing the lid on "come on Jamie!!" He yells at the door ready to go I smile grabbing a couple croissants and walking over putting them in Reggie's bag "what's that for" he ask grabbing his Keys and walking out of the apartment I follow as he locks up "you always forget to have breakfast so just in case you get hungry- oh this is for coffee" I pass him his coffee and he smiles sweetly kissing me "what will I do without you"

I smile holding his free hand and walking down the stairs to our bikes "race ya?" I say sitting on my bike as he straps his bag on the back "awh can we not I wanna enjoy the scenery" I pout "can we race back then" Reggie smile sitting down on the bike "fine then... you really are just a big child aren't you" he says pushing off the ground and start riding on the road, I follow quickly "you agreed to my childish ways when you married me" regulus smiles

We continue riding though the town taking in the view. (Well James watches regulus as he takes in the view..) you can smell the fresh pastries as they ride past the small bakeries, for James it feels like hours but they finally get to Petit Palais they park there bikes up hand in hand walks into the museum, regulus looked like he was in his is element.

James doesn't mind museums he rather write story's on a picnic blanket while Reg reads but if it makes regulus happy it makes James happy, regulus walks around snapping pictures of the art moving room by room. It amazes James how regulus can look at a picture and just make up a scenario around it. Regulus loves everything old he loves old music he completely against mobile phones. James loves him truly.

After many hours and over 100 pictures been taken we leave the museum hopped back on our bikes and ride off to a cafe to have some dinner we sit there watching the river go by admiring each other eating our food. "do you wanna pop to the book shop before heading home" I ask having a sip of my wine he smiles "your up to something" I smile holding his hand on the table "what ever do you mean" I ask kissing his hand "your being nice to me... like extra nice.. your scaring me a bit" I smile sipping more of my wine "I want to make you happy" I say he smiles "I'm always happy when I'm with you" he says kissing me on my lips I kiss back smiling he grabs his wallet placing 50 euros on the table getting up and walking to our bikes I follow.

We get on and start riding back to our apartment but 1st stopping off at the book shop walk in looking through all books trying to find any that we haven't read yet. Regulus found a couple French ones that he hasn't read while I look around trying to find anything that's English to have a go at reading. In the end I give up and we head to the front desk to pay I quickly grab my card out and pay before Reggie has the chance.

We walk outside and sit down on a bench outside the shop and take in the view "I love you" I say looking down he looks up smiling "I love you two" he kisses me gently and I kiss back smiling

Life can get no better than this.
Bro this is making me want to move to Paris. Paris is probably one of my top 5 favourite places to go on holiday.

Make sure you drink/eat something!!!

Have a good night/day/morning/afternoon


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