sad deer part 3 (final part)

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He walks back into slivering common room seeing regulus laying on Barty bed with Evan playing with his hair, you can hear little laughs coming from him I walk closer "you fucking arse James's potter!" Barty yells pushing James agesnt the wall wand at his neck "Barty! Get off! Reggie tell him!" "He can't hear you" Pandora says coming out the bathroom "wh- pandora?! How did you get here so fast". She sits down next to regulus "a time-turner, dumbledore gave it to me 1st year" James nods slowly "Barty can you let me go" "if you say sorry to regulus!" "WHY- why do you think I'm here!" James yells Barty lets go, James fixes his shirt looking at regulus "why does he look like that" James says going closer "a teacher found him... very upset, hurting himself so they used.. um imperio" James eyes widen "buts that an Unforgivable Curses" James says waving his hand over regulus face "no shit merlin" Barty crosses his arms "he was in that much pain, james he was so mad" Evan continues "it was actually scary I though he was gonna do something really bad" James looks at him "what do you mean 'really bad' what did you think he was gonna do" "kill himself James. he went crazy the teachers don't use spells for the fun of it" James nods "he reminded me of my brother" Pandora says staring off into space "Panda? You ok" Barty says putting his hand on her shoulder "oh yes quite" Barty nods and she smiles playing with the rings on her fingers. "Reggie?" James repeats shaking him a bit. A little laugh falls form his mouth "when he gonna be... normal again" James ask tucking regulus hair behind his ear "couple hours, he did put up a fight" Evan says moving regulus under the covers of the bed a little giggle falls from his mouth "..bye..bye..sun.." he muffles as his eyes flutter James smiles "night my star" James leaves a quick kiss on regulus lip pulling away "ok wanna be prince charming it won't wake him up" Barty jokes sipping on his drink James gives a death stare "oh I get it! prince charming James kissed Reggie and you said it wont wake him up because normal prince charming wakes up the princess with a kiss" Pandora says laughing "yeah good job panda" Evan says high fiving her.

Time skip

Pov regulus

I open my eyes looking around "what?.." they all look over "Regulus your awake" Barty says walking over "y-yeah.. what happened" I sit up carefully "teachers found you.. on the beach" Evan says moving I look down "oh they did" everything goes silent before we hear a crash and footsteps "where my brother!" sirius yells running into the room with James, Remus and peter following behind "you told sirius!" regulus yelled "we didn't!- James" Evan says looking at him "why is that its bad I told sirius if his brother his considering suicide he needs to know" "no he doesn't!" I yell getting up "no offence regulus but considering killing yourself over James wishing you was a girl is a bit stupid" I laugh in shock "its not just that. Ive been suffering for years trying to prove to mum and dad that it doesn't matter what gender I am! proving to everyone that I'm not some confused little girl BEAUSE IM NOT A FUCKING GIRL! You don't know how it feel to walk around feeling everyone is looking at you and seeing you as everything you're ashamed of! I can't get changed without crying I can't go for a shower without wanting to rip my skin off! And the one person I trusted to show them my body they wished that I was a fucking girl! Ive been hospitalised because of the stuff ive done to my body" I would continue but I start coking on my tear needed to take a deep breath to try to not go into a panic attack "GET THE FUCK OUT" I scream "Reggie-" "GET THE FUCK OUT GET OUT FUCKING GET OUT" I scream as Barty grab hold of me rapping his arms around me I scream until my throat go cold "GET OUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT" I start coughing so much blood comes out with it I cry bending over trying to get out of Barty grasp "panda get the potion!" by this time everyone has backed up "regulus please calm down" "GET OFF ME" I scream throwing my body around trying to get free Pandora runs over to the side grabbing potion and pouring it down my thoat "hay! What are you doing" sirius yells "sleeping potion!" Barty yells holding onto me tighter.

"I SAID LET ME GOoOo" regulus says as his body starts to give up on him "that's it well done mate, shh" Barty sits down as regulus diffs off into a dreamless sleep grabbing a blanket putting it over him standing up "what the fuck black!" sirius looks at him his breathing not slowing down "he- he was- he turning so much into his father" sirius says as tears form in his eyes as he runs out crying Reums follows closely. James looks at peter "come on lets go" peter nods as they start to leave "you can't just leave James what about regulus" Pandora says looking back and forward form them both "just piss off Pandora"


Hayy I think this will be the final chapter of this story I may do a version when regulus goes down to the beach and a sirius and Remus view on my wolfstar book.

But on other news! I have made an Instagram I know I'm not famous or anything and not gonna get hundreds of followers but I think it's a nice thing I'm gonna do frequent voting polls for chapters and stuff so you can choose stuff you want to read my messages are open if you want to be specific on what you will like to read and I will try my best to do It and again you don't have to follow me it's just so I can get some insight. I have a list of chapters I want to write and I'm open to adding more on.

Make sure you drink/eat something!!!

Have a good night/day/morning/afternoon


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