Running away part 1

440 15 0

Tw - sh, abuse

Regulus sits in his small room packing a bag quietly trying not to make a sound, blood drips from his nose where he was hit earlier that evening and bruises up and down his arms including cuts from that he made hImself. He grabs a jumper putting it on trying to hide the abuse he endure injured earlier this evening opening his window pushing his small brown case out of it onto the snowy floor he got some money putting it in his pocket and jumping out the window shutting it grabbing his case he starts running trying to avoid any light and staying in the shadows he runs to the gate pushing his crate under it and following quickly "Regulus!" he sees his father at the front door starting to walk to hIm Regulus gets up quickly and starts running his father called from behind hIm but regulars doesn't stop he keeps running until he finds a bus getting on quickly as the bus doors shut taking a deep breath "2 pounds please" he looks at the bus driver "oh.. oh Oh! yes one second" he reaches into his pocket trying To make up enough cash "your face is bleeding son.. you alright" Regulus touches faces "oh yes in fine I just need to get- shit I only have £1.50 you look like you've had a hard night give me 50 and you can use that £1 and to get yourself a hot drink do you have a place to say tonight" Regulus nods not daring to speak Regulus smiles giving hIm the money Regulus quickly sits down putting his bag next to hIm As the bus starts to move regulars his his father yells "Regulus black" the bus goes quicker regulars hides it his face with his hands.. free at last.

An hour later regulars thanked the bus driver stay safe and regular SMS walking down the path past the shops he walks inside a cafe going to the front reading the menu how can I help you Sir regular looks at the man behind the counter how much are the coffees 1 LB for black coffee 4 lbs for sugar and milk regular signals grabbing his 1 LB out of his pocket coffee please the man nods turning around starting to make the coffee staying all away he asked looking at Regulus away please thank you

Regular scrubs the letter from Sirius reading it for the 20th tIme it's back to hImself "on the bus.. six stops... catch the train closest village.." "black coffee" the man yells make the smiles taking the coffee "thanks.. um do you know when the next train is to the village over" Regulus ask "yeah tomorrow..." Regulus face drops "tomorrow shit ok um thanks" Regulus says turning away "do you need a place to stay?" The man asks "um yeah actually" he says "my shift ends in 16 minutes I only have a double bed, so you have to sleep on the couch" Regulus smiles "thanks.. I'm Regulus" the man smiles "no problem I'm Finn".

Regulus sits at one of the tables drinking his coffee and reading a book Finn gave hIm to pass tIme "ok Regulus I'm all closed up let's head back to mine... do you have a coat" Regulus looks at the man putting the book in his bag "no but I'm fine" Finn nods "it's quite a walk" Regulus smiles "Im ok" both the men smile getting up and walking down the cold windy path.

20 minutes later they stop outside an apartment building they walk inside and up 2 flight of stairs up to a door with a number 25 on it Finn grabs keys out his bag and opens the door letting Regulus go in 1st "thanks" Regulus smiles walking in placing his case down and taking off his shoes "have you had dinner yet?" Finn ask walking into the kitchen "err no" the younger boy says looking around admiring all the paintings on the walls "are you ok with pasta and cheese" Regulus nods Finn walks back into the kitchen start to make the food "make yourself at home" he yells form the other room Regulus sits down the red couch scanning around. "You really like Pierre-Auguste Renoir" Regulus says as Finn bring in a bowl giving it to Regulus "you know his work" Regulus nods eating a bit of the pasta they sit in comfortable silence while eating their pasta.

After Finn gets up turning the radio on and pouring some red wine into glasses handing it to Regulus. Regulus thanks hIm taking a sip "how old are you may I ask" Finn says sitting down "17.. but I'm 18 next month" Finn nods "good.. probably should have checked before I gave you wine" Regulus smile "how old are you.." "18 but I only turned it a week ago" Regulus nods "happy birthday then" Finn smiles "thanks".

They drink laugh and sing for hours "ok so what are you doing trying to get over to the next town" Finn ask opening the 2nd bottle of wine that night "Im trying to get to my brother he ran away and I did to so have no where to really go" Finn nods "Regulus.. Regulusssss. Reg-ulu-sss" they both smile "you have a very pretty name Regulus" he can't help but blush "thank you" Finn moves closer over to the boy "have you ever kissed anyone Regulus" reg nods slowly "it was a past girlfriend.. that's when I found out I was gay" Finn nods "So you kissed a guy" Regulus puts his glass down turning his body to face Finn "no... but I know I don't like kissing girls" "well then tell me if you like this" before Regulus has a moment to process what Finn said the distance between their faces Their mouths met in a slow tangle of lips and tongue. Finn slid their fingers into Regulus hair at the base of their scalp Regulus moves closer pulling hImself onto Finns lap kissing Finn pulls away to go down to Regulus neck biting and sucking Regulus let's out a quite moan. They pull away an Regulus makes his way off of Finns lap as Regulus trys and hides the bulge in his trousers "I-" "I'm gonna go to bed" Finn says getting up Regulus nods "their pillows and blankets where um good night" Finn says rushing off to bed Regulus lays down on the couch feeling tears fall form his eyes "real 1st friend and already fucked it up" Regulus sighs pulling up his sleeve grabbing the scissors from his bag and rubbing it on his skin untill he sees red he rest his head to the side more tears trickle from his eyes.

Make sure you drink/eat something!!!

Have a good night/day/morning/afternoon


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