dramaaaa part 2

924 17 1

Regulus pov

Hand job, making out, Orthorexia (an obsession with eating foods that one considers healthy)

I open my eyes slowly trying to adjust my eyes to the bright light, looking around I see loads of medical equipment I wear mumbling next to me I look at these to dark shadows over me fear comes across my face death eaters I scream loudly trying to get up but realizing my hands are handcuffed to the bed. "HELPPPPP" I scream looking around trying to thing everyone anything that can help me get out of this situation.

I hear footprint approached me I keep struggling against the restraints seeing Walburga and Orion peer over me "Mum! Dad! Please help me" they cross their arms "you know we always thought you would get so far, but look at you crying like a little baby" Walburga said, I look at her with desperation in my eyes "behave you have a visitor" I look at the door seeing the dark lord walks into the hospital wing tears fall form my eyes "regulusss" he says examining his wand carefully more tears fall form my face he walks over "don't cry little girl" he wipes some of the tears from my face my breathing picks up "it will only hurt for a little bit" he points his wand at my arm, when suddenly it makes sense the death eaters, mum and dad are here, my wrists are tied up, I'm getting the dark mark "no no no NO NO NO" I scream trying to pull my arm away when a blinding light shoots to my arm excruciating pain runs up and down my arm screams fall out of my mouth when everything goes black.

Sirius sits in the brown armchair leg bouncing watching his brother sleep (not in a creepy way) Remus walks quietly into the hospital room with two coffee "how's Reggie doing" he whispers giving the warm coffee to his partner "thanks.. um he ok they gonna keep him on a ventilator and maybe put him on a feeding tube, apparently he is very underweight" Sirius takes a sip of his coffee and a smile creep up on his face "thank you.. I really needed this" Remus smiles sitting on the other chair "Remus.. its 2 in the morning go to bed I'll be fine" Remus shakes his head "no I'm not leaving you.. have they said when Reggie gonna wake up" Reums lugs his leg up to his chest "I think they said 15 hours so that would be in.... 4 hours" Reums nods taking sip of his coffee "your parents still pissed?" Sirius laughs "oh yes, their even more pissed that Dumbledore isn't gonna fire the nurse who "hurt their precious little golden boy" their sewing the nurse" reums laughs "omg.. regulus isn't gonna let that happen is he" Sirius shakes his head taking sip of his coffee "no.. no, he is not" they smile at each other when form the corner of Sirus eyes he can see his brother twitching and moving "Mooney.. look" Remus looks over at regulus "should we get a nurse?" I nods his head going closer to regulus holding his hand, regulus shoots up from his position screaming clutching onto his arm violent tears falls form his eyes.

Pov regulus

I cry into Sirius holding his hand tight he draws stars on my back with his finger while the nurses give me injections "do you feel better Mr black" I nod slowly when the doors open "Reggie!?" Barty comes running in I wipe my face quickly "Barty.. why are you here" I say sitting up "potter told me you was in the hospital what happened" I sniff "it's a long story" he sits down next to me "when you get out of here I need to show you something" I stare at him "show me what" I say "you're see when you get out when here" he smiles at me "if I was strong another I would strangle you" Barty does a fake surprise face "watch your mouth black" my heart races "Reggie?" he says grabbing my hand I looking at him slowly "Reggie, you ok" I nod "just.. tired I guess" Sirius stands up "ok everyone you heard my man outttttt" Reums and Barty get up and walks out "you two sirius" I say he nod walking away I lay back down looking up tears roles down my face "regulus..." I look to my side to see James "go away" I turn around "regulus I'm sorry... lily told me what she did.. Iven ended it with her, I sit up looking at him "what.." "I broke up with lily what she did... it was horrible, and I shouldn't have treated you like that either I'm sorry" I nod my head he continues "I told Mr Daniels that I don't want to do the play-" "musical" "musical.. so, I don't know what's happing with that" I look at him "Mr Daniels got fried.." I say "what why" he says "to many kids got ill under his instruction.. he told a lot of people to lose weight" he smiles drops quickly "is that why you're on a feeding tube" I nod "Orthorexia.." "Regulus I'm so sorry" "its fine.. I've always had it to be honest.. Mr Daniels just made it.. worse" James gets up and hugs me "oh- James its fine" he doesn't let go we sit there for a while its nice..

James looks at me ower eyes meet staring at each other ower lips brushing together but not connected he rases his hand up to my face pulling me closer ower lips meet we kisses taking breaks to breath, but we don't dear pull apart for more than 2 seconds, he pulls me by my waist I move closer to him and kissing him hard pants and moans leave ower mouths I run my hands in his dark hair he James suddenly pushes me down onto the bed he goes down to my neck buried his face into it he kisses harshly with a moan "James we- ah- someone gonna walk in" he lifts his head of my neck slowly whipping his mouth "sorry... got carried away" he smiles sitting up "when you getting out of here" he says "later today" he nods "you wanna meet up for coffee" he says looking down at his fingers "are you asking me on a date potter" I say smugly "maybe.. do you want it to be a date black" he bites back I smile "ok.. but I have to find Barty before he has a surprise for me" James nods "find me in my dorm when you're ready" he smiles softly he gets up and places a kiss on my lips "Cya black!" he walks out when a smile grows on my face.

I walk out of the hospital wing still smiling form early I make my way through the castles to the slivering common room "Reggie!!" Barty yells getting up and running to hug me "hay Barty.. so, what was the surprise you wanted to show me" s walk up following Barty, Barty covers my eyes when I wear stuff getting moved "Wingardium Leviosa" someone whispers "what are you guys doing?" I question "your find out soon... Evan you ready.. ok 1 2 3 " he takes his hands off my eyes to see a grand piano in the corner of the common room I gasp and put my hand over my mouth "we may have hard Sirius talking about how it's your birthday next week" evens says "all 3 of us chipped in, you always talk about how you liked playing piano at home" Caius says "but your parents got rid of it sooooo" Barty says looking at even "we got you one.. it was all Bartys idea" even says smiling.

"Thank you.. all of you I really appreciate" I say looking at them "I have one more surprise! follow" Barty says walking into regulus and Barty room, regulus follows quickly, finding Barty on his bed "come sit" Barty says, I sit down next to Barty "I saw you blushing earlier.." Barty says smiling at me "what.." I question "when I told you to watch your mouth.. I saw you blush" "I don't know what you're talking about" he moves closer towards me "Barty-" that's when ower lips meet he pulls me closer I don't pull away I keep kissing him I get on his lap rocking gently kissing him he runs his hands all over my body I let out a quite moan he goes to my neck kissing around "fuck~" I moans he keeps abusing the spot moans fall out my mouth left and right I hurry up the pace with my rocking "fuck black you're getting me hard" I smile and bring his head up kissing him with more power I open my mouth when he slips his tongue in exploring all around my mouth, I take his top off and he takes mine off he lays me on the bed I pull him with me, kissing him he undoes my trousers way to slowly I moan feeling the coldness on my dick he raps his hand around it and start moving slowly I moan pulling his neck towards me and kissing it trying to quite my moans he goes faster my eyes roles back and a muffed moan falls out of my month "shit I'm close Barty" he smiling going faster when my orgasm hits me like a wall of brick load moans leave my month Barty quickly puts his lips on my dick licking every little bit of cum I come down form my high looking at Barty, he lays next to me cucking a peace of hair behind my ear we cuddle under the duvet for hours, Barty falls asleep hiding his face into me I play with his hair smiling when suddenly it hits me "shit! James!"


ok so this took me way to long to do but I compiled it I really hope you like this chapter, I was putting it off so much but I'm glad I finished it

Make sure you drink/eat something!!!
Have a good night/day/morning/afternoon

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