broken glass

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Tw - panic attacks, implied abuse, cuts, blood

The marauders all sits down in the common room drinking smoking and just having a laugh "that's not a real game!" Remus laughs "it is I swear! You put a pound in your arse cheeks, and you have to drop it in the cup! 1st to do it keeps all the pound we use" "we not playing that!!" Mary yells spilling a bit of her drink on regulus new book, regulus rolls his eyes moving to an empty seat away from everyone "aww don't be like that Reggieee" James yells regulus just keeps reading "hay mate yourself useful and poor me another drink" Sirius laugh pushing his glass into regulus hands, regulus don't fight it, it's no point.

He puts his book down making sure not to lose the chapter and goes up to the counter putting the glass down he goes to grab the vodka accidentally nocking the glass on the floor all the talking stops and stares at him he starts to panic "shit! Fuck fucking shit!!" he gets on the floor (don't you dear even think about it) starts picking up the glass as tears fall from his eyes.

They all look at him James and marline get up quickly and runs over "regulus stop you're going to hurt yourself" "i-im so sorry" regulus keeps his head down trying to control his breathing while picking up the glass, blood drops form his shaky hands, "Reggie put the glass down!" Remus yells kneeling next to him, regulus flinches dropping the glass and covering his head. Sirius drop down beside regulus hugging him and drawing circles on his back "its ok.. no one gonna hurt you I promise.. James can you help clean him up while we get rid of the mess" Sirius says letting go of the crying boy

Pov regulus

Lily runs over with a broom James helps me up, holding my bloody hands out in front of me and leading me over to the kitchen sink. He starts to running the sink he grab my hands and put them under the mild water "ok.. pull up your sleeves and keep your hands under the water ill get you a bandages..." James says in a rush I look over at the group cleaning up the mix of glass and blood, Remus and Sirius are whispering to each other.

Sirius pov

"He getting worse.. we need to get him out of there it's not safe" I nod "I know but he wont listen to me he wont get in his head that Walburga and Orion aren't good parents" Remus sighs "he thought we was gonna hurt him" Sirius rolls his eyes "I know Mooney" I look over at regulus he shaking a lot James his rapping his hands "it's not fair Sirius, he deserves happiness as well"

3rd person

James leads regulus back over to the armchair, regulus sits down watching his shaking hands everyone comes over and sits down "are you cold.." James asks regulus, he looks at him slowly nods, James proceeded to take off his Gryffindor jumper off and giving to regulus, regulus putting it on being careful not to hurt his hand anymore he berries his face into it blushing, they keep talking like nothing happened apart from regulus, he sits their replaying it over and over in his mind, how he didn't even feel the pain in his hands until after, how it felt like someone was trying to rip out his heart, he never wants to feel like that again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~only a short chapter – got another one that be out in a minute just need to type it up and edit it

Make sure you drink/eat something!!!

Have a good night/day/morning/afternoon


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