A very drunk regulus

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It was 4:15 on a Friday night as the 2 black brothers stumbling though the door trying not to make two much noise but failing miserably a light turns on in the living room "Sirius.." James potter says placing his book down on the side "James hi! Um so long story" before Sirius can continue a very (very) drunk regulus stumbles though the kitchen and into the living room "so.. I found regulus drunk and I couldn't send him back to mothers or I don't know what will happened but it's definitely nothing good!! I'm sorry to bombard you like this with a whole other human but.. I don't know where else to go"

James slowly makes his way over to them both as regulus puts his hand out "iM rEgUlus.. wHo are yOu" he laughs trying to shake James hand "it's me James.. form hogwarts? James potter?" Regulus looks at him like a deer in lead lights "you know Reggie the one obsessed with that ginger girl" and just like that it was like a light bulb went off in Reggie's head "James potter!!! Yes yes I remember you!!!" James eyes widen "Shhh Lily sleeping!" Regulus laughs putting his hand on James shoulder "it's ok I'm so quiet you won't know I'm here" James looks at Sirius with a stern look "just for the night please" James sighs "fine but he have to sleep on the couch, Remus is upstairs waiting for you" James says taking a glass away form regulus "why is Remus waiting for you?" Regulus asking trying to get the cup back "friends wait for friends" "You would know that if you had friends" James says under his breath thankfully regulus did not hear

"come on let's sit down get your some water sober you up" Sirius grabs a glass out the cupboard and walks over to the tap "how much did he have to drink" James ask leaning regulus against the side "I don't know... like a bottle of fire whisky" "What!" James yells putting his hand on regulus head "how are you not dead!?" Regulus laughs rapping his arms around James and giving him a hug "oh um thanks.." james says patting the shorter boys head "why you so short" "IM NOT SHORT IM 5,5!!" Regulus yells become james has the chance to cover his mouth "please don't yell Lily is very pregnant and very.... Emotional" Regulus laughs again making his way to the couch laying face forward on it "take y'a shoes off... errrr whatever" James sighs in defeat Sirius walks over and sits next to his brother "please can out drink some water... please"

regulus shakes his head getting up form the sofa trying to make his way to the alcohol cupboard "nonononononono" Sirius yells running over and trying to lead him back to the sofa "PISS OFF!" Reg yells trying to pull away "shhh!!" James says frustratedly Sirius nods leading regulus to the sofa laying him down "if you wake lily up I'm the one who getting told off" James says grabbing a blanket "she more like your mum then wife" Regulus laughs pushing James away "regulus I swear to Merlin I will throw you out this door so quick-" James yells but quiets himself down making sure not to do exactly what he doesn't want to do "hypocrite..." regulus whispers as James throws a blanket that him. Regulus laughs holding Sirius hand, Sirius knows in the morning regulus will go back to his cold horrible self but in this moment of time he trying to enjoy all the physical contact that regulus would never dream of giving whole he sober.

Sirius finally managed to lay regulus down and drift off to sleep. Sirius sighs sitting down at James dinner table with a glass of fire whisky in his hand "tell me again how did you find regulus" Sirius sighs putting his glass down on the table "I was walking though diagon alley when I heard a lot of noise coming from the leaky cauldron so I pop my head in and saw Reggie shotting back fire whisky with his guy... I don't know I guess... I didn't like how the guy was looking at Reggie so I walked over and regulus was so out of it he didn't even know that the guy was there" James listen to Sirius as he explains and he can't help but feel a little jealous that regulus was with a guy... he knows he shouldn't.. he knows he shouldn't think that way about regulus anymore for multiple reasons but after all these years he still wondered what if they never broke up, what I'f they told Sirius, deep down James know the reason that regulus broke up with him is because he was scared he was scared of people seeing him for who he really is, in regulus eyes he a monster that doesn't deserve love but in James eyes still to this day he sees a broken boy that never got the love he desperately wanted and or deserved.

"-and yeah that's when I grabbed regulus and dragged him here... I didn't want him going back to that creepy's house i definitely didn't want him to go back to mothers, so here was the best place" James nods pretending that he listened to the whole thing and definitely didn't zone out half way through "Go say goodnight to Remus I'll wait down here with Regulus" James says drinking some of his water sirius smiles "thanks prongs" Sirius gets up and moves though the kitchen and up the stairs as james sits and watch the younger black move and toss in his sleep.
This is based a little bit off a YouTube video I saw of these people who do marauders content (and other things)
It's safe to say these YouTube's are my current hyperfixation they such good actors amazing content I recommend to go watch them if you haven't
Channel name ~ The Dandy Lyon Club

Make sure you drink/eat something!!!
Have a good night/day/morning/afternoon

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