think I need somebody older

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Teacher (James) x student (regulus)

James is a very strict teacher... he believes in his methods of discipline. Students often see him as a cold and cruel teacher. But behind his strict demeanour, he cares deeply for his students and wants them to succeed in life. Regulus is a student in James' class. Regulus is a bright and talented student who is often seen as the teacher's pet. "Mr black, may I have a word with you, please?" regulus looks up quickly "Errr Yes, sir." Regulus his books and bag and follows Mr potter into his office...

In the privacy of his office James pulls shut the door behind Regulus. Regulus stands facing towards James, nervously glancing at him. With a smile James crosses the room in a swift manner, his movements making noise with the shoes he is wearing. He stops mere inches away from Regulus, his gaze fixed on the young student's face. "You know, Mr black, you have shown remarkable progress this term" Regulus is confused, yes he made sure to put more effort into his school work but he didn't think he was this good... James leans a little closer to Regulus, his breath falling on the student's neck. Regulus feels James's closeness and gulps from nervousness. "It's simple really, Mr black. I want you to be a good boy and obey my instructions." Regulus is taken back form what his teacher his saying James smiles "It seems like a simple enough request, doesn't it, Mr black?" Regulus nods feeling his heart fuming out of his chest "Good boy," James says in a calm and soothing tone. He gets up from his chair and approaches Regulus. His heart pounding with anticipation. James approaches him and places his hands on Regulus's waist. Regulus watches as James lowers himself close to regulus face "May I kiss you" he ask regulus to waste no time in saying yes. James leans down and presses his lips against Regulus's, their tongues meeting in between. Regulus's heart pounds with excitement and his breath catches in his throat. After a few moments, James slowly pulls away, leaving Regulus breathless and flustered.

Greedy for more Regulus wraps his arms around James's neck and begins to pull him closer. Their tongues interlace once again. Regulus presses his body against James, wrapping his legs around James's waist. He gasps for air before pulling away and glancing at James with a smile. Regulus looks at James with pleading eyes. With a smile, James kisses Regulus again.

James and regulus kept kissing, their tongues exploring each other mouths, as if they had needed to out all pent up emotions, Regulus' breath caught in his throat as James brought his lips to his neck. His fingers ran along James' hair as he let out a soft gasp. As James' hand went down and found Regulus back, Regulus' toes curled with pleasure. head tilted back slightly to let James have better access to his neck. James left a trail of soft kisses and light bites down Regulus' neck, teasing him and making him shiver with pleasure, his fingers gripping into James' arm.

James gently grabbed the collar of Regulus' shirt and slowly lifted it off over his head. Regulus couldn't help but let out a soft groan as he felt the warmth of James' hands against him. As the shirt came off, James' eyes were instantly drawn to Regulus' exposed chest. His jaw dropped slightly as he appreciated the sight before him.

James pushed Regulus back slightly, wanting to take a moment to admire the beauty before him. As he met Regulus' gaze with his own, he took note of Regulus' flushed face, his breathing becoming heavier as the passion between them continued to grow. Regulus reached out and stroked James's hand, looking him in the eye as he pulled James's back in for another kiss.

Regulus and James both got lost in the moment, just enjoying being together in this current moment. As they continued to kiss each other, their hands began to explore each other's bodies, the passion between them growing hotter and hotter with each passing moment.

James gently pushed Regulus down onto the desk. As Regulus lay back, his chest rose and fell with each breath. James looked down at him, his lips twitching slightly as he admired his view. He slowly lowered himself down onto the desk, so he was on top of Regulus. Regulus' eyes fluttered for a moment before locking onto James' gaze.

As Regulus pulled James closer, he kissed him passionately, his lips meeting the others in a blaze of desire. Regulus' fingers grabbed onto James' back, pulling him even closer and causing a low moan of pleasure to leave James' lips. As they broke apart for only a moment.

James let out a pleased murmur as his lips met Regulus' chest. As he kissed up and down Regulus' chest and neck, he felt him tremble slightly under his touch. Regulus tilted his head back, closing his eyes in pleasure, his fingers still locked in James' hair.

James slowly started to undress himself, taking his top off and tossing it aside. Regulus looked on in anticipation, his eyes not being able to tear away from James' physique. James smiled at Regulus before leaning in once again to resume their passionate kissing.

James took the lead in their session of passionate kissing, holding Regulus' face in his hands as he kissed him deeply and seductively. Regulus' hands roamed across James' chest, his fingers running through his hair seductively to pull him closer. The passion in the air was palpable as the two continued to kiss each other and explore each other's body.

"Oh my God..." Regulus managed to whisper to himself before burying his face against James' chest to catch his breath. Regulus' chest was rising and falling rapidly, his body trembling as the passion between them continued to build. As he felt James' hand trail up his neck, he shuddered with desire. He slowly turned his head up to look at James once again, his heart practically racing at the sight.

As their session came to a close, James and Regulus began to put their shirts back on. Regulus' cheeks were slightly red as he stood up from the desk and straightened his clothes. He gave James a nod with a nervous smile before walking out the door, his mind swirling with emotion.


Make sure you drink/eat something!!!

Have a good night/day/morning/afternoon


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