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 Tw – meltdowns, panic attacks, implied abuse, homophobia, talk about SI


"ACTION!!" Mr Daniels yells James steps up "westly- no westly listen to me... I ORDER YOU TO STOP" I look at him with disgust "you- you do not tell me what to do you may be my king but you do not "order" me to do anything do you hear me" I say walking up to him ower faces inches apart "I hear you im- I'm sorry ok, you just I need you to listen to me" "your highness, I do not want to talk to you, what happened in the garden stays in the garden" I go to walk away when he grabs my hand pulls me close "what are you so scared of" I stand back "I'm not scared of anything" he walks closer "your scared to love. Because your parents couldn't love you" "how dear you!!" I slap him hard "my family life has nothing to do with you!" I walk away but he doesn't give up and follows me "westly I'm sorry please forgive me.." he leans down to kiss me, and I move my head quickly "CUT" we stop and look at each other "that was... interesting.. I will admit" I look at James and he looks back "hay!" Mr Daniels yells we both look at him "eyes on me boys" he says we nods "regulus... now that was.. you have had.. there not chemistry.. the kiss it needs to be... hot!! You moved your head.. your meant to kiss.. um work on this afterschool I can't bear to go through this on more time, I don't care what dorm but practices!! Now go!" I walk off stage into the wings then to dressing rooms I sit down holding down tears. "Reggie.. you good" James says I look at him "I'm fine! we work in my dorm ok meet there at 4 don't be late" I get up and leave.

I stress walk around my dorm room waiting for James to get here glancing at the clock on the wall every couple seconds when a I hear a knock at my door I speedily open it to see James there with a girl by his side "hay Reggie my man!!" He walks in holding the girl's hand "who she?" I say looing her up and down "oh I'm lily, James's girlfriend" I look at James then at lily he brought his girlfriend to a private practice not to say a kissing scene is he that worried he get a boner I laugh quietly to myself "ok right um.. you can't be here it's a private practice, no one allowed to know any of the details of the musical outside the show cast.. so, leave.. please" she looks at me with the bitchiest look I've ever seen she looks at James and nod her head over to me "err Reggie come on she not gonna tell" she give me a smirk he continues "and she could help us perfecting scenes" I role my eyes "she doesn't even do drama I only take criticism from Mr Daniels" "the same person that made you cry earlier today" I look at him lily laughs "get out" I walk to the door "comeee onnn Reggie don't be like that" "no if you're gonna be a dick you can leave" "ok I'm sorry let's just practice" James sits down on the couch next to lily stroking her thigh "but lily stays" I role my eyes "fine but she doesn't speak" "hay I can-" I interpret her "leave or not talking, your choice" she roles eyes and smiles "fine."

"let's go from the start of the scene" I put script down on the table "westly- no westly listen to me... I ORDER YOU TO STOP" James says reading from his script "you- you do not tell me what to do you may be my king but you do not order me to do anything do you hear me" I walk up right up to James face "I hear you im- I'm sorry ok, you just I need you to listen to me" he put his hand on my shoulders "your highness, I do not want to talk to you, what happened in the garden stays in the garden" I go to walk away when he grabs my hand pulls me close "what are you so scared of" I stand back "I'm not scared of anything" he walks closer "your scared to love. because your parents couldn't love you" "how dear you!!" I slap him hard "my family life has nothing to do with you!" I walk away but he doesn't give up and follows me "westly I'm sorry please forgive me.." he leans down to kiss me and- "OK!" lily gets up and walks up to James "that was good... regulus more acting though" she says "I told you not to talk! And we wasn't finished with the scene" she smirks "James's blood sugar is low.. let's go get you food" she grabs his hand and pulls him out the room I stand their mouth open scrip in my hands all alone.. again, anger tears from my eyes. My breathing quickens I throw my scrip at the mirror.

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