The dark mark

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Regulus looks at James with tears in his eyes "babe nothing you tell me can make me change my mind I love you" regulus whips the tears falling down his face "I got the dark mark" James looked at Regulus, a shocked expression on his face. "What... what do you mean, Reg?" He said after a few moments had passed. "Are you saying that you're a Death Eater?" Regulus nods playing with his sleeves of the jumper he's wearing.

James looked at Regulus with a combination of frustration and disappointment. "Why?" He said, letting out a sigh. "Why would you do something like that? Do you realize what that means? What it will do to everyone who cares about you?" James was losing patience. "Answer me!" He exclaimed, leaning forward. "Why would you join Voldemort? Don't you understand how much danger this puts everyone in? Reg, how could you do this to me? To Lily and Sirius and everyone else who loves you?" "I had to! You dont- don't get it!! regulus screams in James face.

James sighed again, his expression softening slightly. "No... I suppose I don't," he said, his voice softer now. "Look... I know Voldemort is powerful and intimidating. Maybe he even scares you. But you don't have to be part of his army. You can leave. You can come home, Reg. No one will blame you." "I- I- can't t-they will kill me" regulus breathing starts to speed up with a shaking hand he puts it on his chest, James looked at Regulus "hey, hey, relax," he said, reaching for Regulus' arms and trying to comfort him. "It's okay, they're not going to kill you. Listen, I'm not mad at you. I'm just worried. I care about you, Reg. I love you. And I want you to be safe. I want you to be home with us." Regulus looks at James knowing what he has to do "James I've made up my mind and I can't back out now.. I came here to say my goodbyes" James shakes his head "regulus please don't go like this" "good bye James" "REGULUS" with tears in his eyes, he lifted his wand "Obliviate" James stop yelling he feels his body grow weak he slowly lays on the floor feeling his muscles relax. Regulus walks away sobbing heavy tears he walks for a bit trying to clear his mind.

POV Lily
I walk into the living room pregnancy test in my hand, looking down at James sound asleep on the floor. Little smile appears on my face. I placed the pregnancy test down on the table and sit next to him, playing with his messy hair minutes ago by we just sit there , I'll look at the pregnancy test to see their results two lines shit I cover my face with my hands as I hear James is waking up beside me "Lily?.. why are you crying" "I'm pregnant James" I look at him a big smile forms on his face "babe that's amazing!!" I grow confused "what about regulus?" Now James is the confused one "who?" he loves holding my hands. "Who? Are you playing a joke on me James your boyfriend with Sirius blacks younger brother your best friends younger brother, that you're dating" James Laughs "Sirius doesn't have a younger brother" I grow more concerned "James what's the last thing you remember" "ummm I remember cooking dinner for us, then going to take a nap and.... that's it" he says crossing his legs looking at me " James sweetie I- I think someone's obviated you"
Make sure you drink/eat something!!!
Have a good day/night/morning/afternoon
- Toby/Rowen

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