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"Regulus get up" James says for the 20th time this morning "go awayyy" regulus complains James rolls his eyes dropping the blanket "GET UP!" he yells, regulus jitter and get up quickly tears form in his eyes "thank you! That's all I asked your gonna be late for breakfast" regulus nods he puts his Shakey hands behind "are you ok?" regulus nods blinking away the tears, James walks up to regulus "your shaking love, are you ok" regulus nods "are you sure.." James put his hands on regulus shoulders, regulus jitters a cry fall out his mouth "hay.. are you ok" tears fall down regulus cold face "I-I-I can't" regulus looks around the room. When he stops looking in the corner his breathing quickness "Reggie..". a scream falls form Regulus as he crawled away "AAAAA NO!! STOPPP DON'T COME ANY CLOSER! SIRIUS! HELPPP SIRUIS" regulus screams backing up into the corner of the room.

James looks at him terrified "regulus I'm gonna go get Sirius ok don't move!" he get up running to the Gryffindor common room "Sirius! Regulus!" james yelled Sirius looks his way "what?" "He like complied freaked out I don't know what's wrong with him" Sirius look at Remus with a worried glance, "shitt" they get up quickly running into regulus room "PLEASE DON'T HURT ME" regulus screams holding his hands above his head begging "regulus.." Sirius walks over calmly "GET AWAY" regulus screams point knife at Sirius he stumbles up, Sirius put his hands in front of him "its ok Reggie, I know you're scared but you're ok, your safe" Reums grabs James wrist and slowly make there way to the door "what are you doing" James ask "we can't leave them" James say pulling at reums "no we not leaving we just having a clear exit if anything goes wrong... this had happened before"

"Reggie give me the knife" "no! GET AWAY ILL KILL YOU" he screams "I'm away.. I can't leave you though.. ok you're hurt yourself and I won't let that happen" regulus cry's looking around for a exit "SIRIUR HELP!!" he screams "Reggie I'm here ok you have to try and see I'm Sirius I'm here" he drops the knife looking around reums slowly walks and grabs the knife regulus jitters, Sirius walks up to regulus slowly "you ok now" regulus nods looking at Sirius "I-I-I'm s-sorry" regulus says "hay hay hay don't apologies" Sirius hugs his younger brother "Remus tell them regulus won't be in class today" regulus cries into Sirius jumper "come on lets get you to bed" Sirius holds his arm and leads him to bed regulus gets in hugging the pillow as he cries into it.

"Does that happen a lot.." James asked "no.. just sometimes, it's not your fault he gets episodes thinking his dad gonna hurt him, when it starts you can't stop it, all you can do is calm him down, this one of his better episodes.. there can be worse.. I'll stay off with him he not allowed to be alone for a bit just in case he gets any... ideas" Sirius explains playing with regulus hair "no ill stay off this him... it's my fault anyway" Sirius looks at James confused "what do you mean it was your fault" James sighs "I told him 20 times to get up and he wouldn't listen, I was trying to get him up was already late for breakfast and I yelled at him.. I think I gave him a flash back he started shaking and crying.. then that when the episodes started". Sirius nods "I'm not mad.. you didn't now and I know you struggle with your angry but next him, please don't yell at him" James nods his head multiped times "ok.. me and Remus need to get to class ill come check up on him at lunch" siris gets up kisses' regulus head "be good" he looks at Remus "come on, he be fine" Reums grabs Sirius hand and walk out the room regulus sat up looking at James sleeve in mouth James smiles lightly walking over and sit on the bed.

"I'm sorry that I yelled at you, I was mad, I know that not an excuse" regulus nods slowly pulling on James's jumper "my jumper?" regulus nods "do you want to wear it?" regulus nods again, James smiles holding down his top and taking his jumper off and giving it to regulus, regulus has to admit he as a bit upset that he was wearing a top underneath but he could live with just the jumper. Regulus takes his jumper off and quickly puts it on hugging it James smiles "come on lay down you need to rest" regulus grabs James and pulls him to him they cuddle together under the blanket regulus runs his hands though James's hair, James yawns "you're the one that meant to go to sleep not me" James smiles looking down to him. Regulus gives him a weak smile "I saw that" James says laughing .

Regulus covers his face "shhh" he whispers James smiles pulling regulus closer to him their body intertwine with each other regulus rest his head on James's chest "I'm really sorry" James whispers, regulus look up "its ok.. it's not your fault.. I didn't tell you." Regulus kisses his nose, "I love you" James says looking into his eyes "I love you two" regulus kisses James slowly they both smile though the kiss.

"Reggie you need to sleep" James says moving his head back, regulus roles his eyes "later ok baby if you get some sleep and food" regulus crosses his arm "I demand kisses" James shakes his head "no baby, you must keep your side of the deal.. get like I don't know, 3 hours of sleep then we go to dinner, then and just then we can make out" James says "that's hoursss away" regulus complains "not if you go to sleep" James states "mimimimi" "regulus" "fine! Only because I want kisses" regulus smiles shutting his eyes. James draws stars on his back as the smaller one falls asleep agesnt his lover.


Make sure you drink/eat something!!!

Have a good night/day/morning/afternoon


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