studying time

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Regulus never felt like he belonged in Hogwarts he never really wanted to go to Hogwarts in the first place. He never had any friends; he spent his time in his room completing homework and reading. He likes being along he doesn't understand the hype over friends, he likes being alone with his art, music and stars. That all he asks for.

He doesn't go to the main hall to eat anymore, not because he has a eating disorder there just to many people there, to loud and overwhelming, he ok just keeping to himself, yeah it can be lonely sometimes... birthdays are hard.

It was a rainy afternoon, regulus just finished up his last lesson of the week he walks though the quite halls to his locker opening it and grabbing his homework to do over the weekend, shutting his locker "hay black" a person appears next to him "MERLIN" regulus screams "calm down" James potter laughs looking regulus up and down, regulus rolls his eyes "what do you want potter" regulus looks at the older boy "I need help with school, Siri says you're really smart" regulus clutches the books in his hands "I don't tech" "I'm not asking you to tech me I'm asking you to help me" regulus looks at James "you really are pathetic" James does a fake gasp putting his hand on his heart "I take great offense to that black" "as you should" regulus turns and starts walking away but James doesn't give up so easily.

Regulus walk away but potter keeps following "I'll pay you" James says taking money out of his pocket showing regulus "I'm not interested in your money black" they walk through the halls "regulus I'm desperate, please if I don't get a A I can't play Quidditch, come onnn" regulus looks at the desperate boy "fine. We meet in the library every Wednesday 4 to 6" James smiles "cheers love" he messes regulus hair walking away happily.

Wednesday came really quickly regulus was breading it, he doesn't know why he agreed to do this and he doesn't know why he changed 5 times before going down to the library, regulus sat there leg bounding, waiting for James to show up, he keeps looking at the watch on the wall 4 o'clock goes to 4:15 and then 4:30 when James runs into the library, while doing so getting shushed and death stares "regulus I'm so sorry I'm late me and lily was-" "I don't need to know about your sex life potter, sit down and answer the questions, next time you're late don't expect me to be here" James doesn't say anything he just nods and sits down answering the questions on the page. Regulus picks up his book and keeps reading.

"what you reading" James asks "keep doing your work" "I can't it's to boardingggg, I have adhd it's very difficult for me to say focus" regulus looks up from his book "are you diagnosed" James goes to say something but stops "do you take medication for it" regulus says putting his book on his lap "no but my mum-" "potter I don't care that you have adhd your not the only one, get on with your work" James puts his hands on his lap "you have adhd" regulus nods looking back down on his book "but you- your so good at work and staying focus" regulus slams his book down on the table "1st of all people with adhd can focus on something if they have a special interest. For me its poems, English, story's, astrology its called hyperfocus. 2nd of all I take medicine for it improve my attention but also makes me depression so I take anti-depression meds that doesn't even work, adhd is more then cant say still or focus, its so much more, so before going around telling everyone that you have adhd, find more stuff about it then come back to me. Get on with your work"

"I'm done..." James says not making eye contact regulus nods "ill mark it and give it to you tomorrow, you can leave now" James nods packing his bag up and walking away "your welcome!?" I yell he turns back around "sorry... thanks a lot" he says running out, I roll my eyes packing my stuff up and putting books back.


Make sure you drink/eat something!!!

Have a good night/day/morning/afternoon


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