Regulus boyfriend part 5

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"Siriussssssss" James complains sitting outside on the grass "what James" Sirius says lifting his head up form Remus lap "I'm bored" he complains "you complain when we have school then when it's a weekend you complain more! Nothing is ever good for you" Sirius says pulling the sunglasses from his head down to shield his eyes from the Sun "mimimimimim" James mimics, laying his head back down on the grass.

"Regulus!" Dylan yells grabbing regulus hand pulling him quickly "dylan your hurting me let go" regulus whispers dylan lets go looking around "why are you being such a brat today. Pack it in I said I wanted to sit with my friends so that's what we fucking doing. Now come on" regulus bring a his nails up to his mouth chewing on them "dylan please I don't want can't we just sit out here-" "NO." He yells causing regulus to jitter and James looks over at Sirius who shrugs his shoulders laying back down "okay.. sorry" dylan grabs regulus hand pulling him towards the door walking inside "should we have done something.." Peter ask putting his book down "fuck no. If he not gonna talk to me I'm not gonna talk to him" James rolls his eyes "I don't trust dylan.." "it's regulus life let him fuck it up however he wants, bloodly hell he dating a Slytherin! mum and dad are waiting for wedding bells" Remus laughs putting cigarette in his mouth lighting it. "He could be in danger you're just gonna like your little brother deal with that by himself, he doesn't know how to protect himself" James says standing up "I'm not his mother James! If he was really in need of help he would come ask! Not be a pussy and talk to me he won't amit that he was in the wrong by staying quiet all those years!"

James slams his arms down running after regulus and dylan, "dylan I might go back to bed im feeling really dizzy" regulus says holding onto the wall "it's probably because all you do is eat rubbish food, so a little bit of walking is tiring for you" I sigh "dylan all I eat nowadays is salads I don't think that's it" he lets go of my hand "you are actually so embarrassing" he walks off into the main all.

Regulus holds onto the wall as his vision goes blurry "hay regulus I'm James Sirius brother- holy shit are you ok?" Regulus looks up trying to focus "w-what?" "You need to sit down" James moves his body to sport regulus as regulus falls onto him going unconscious "shit shit shit" James lays him down quickly looking around at the students who stopped, and now looking "GET A FUCKING TECHER THEN!?" He yells holding regulus head up.
Woo!! Sorry for not doing the trigger warning on the last couple chapters!!! I have gone back and put them sorry if anyone was triggered

Make sure you drink/eat something!!!
Have a good night/day/morning/afternoon

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