"no I've never kissed anyone" "do you want to"

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I walk down the Hogwarts halls, books in hand humming a little tune when the big brown doors fly open and 4 tall boys come charging over tumbling me to the ground "oh- shit sorry Reggie" Sirius (my older brother) "ow!! dickhead" I say rubbing my arm "Reggie my man, you may not want to go to the Slytherin common room from a bit" James (Sirius best friend) says putting a hand out to help me up I decline and get up by myself "what did you do this time" I say picking up my books and putting them under my arm "we might have put a smelly potion behind a bookshelf" I sigh "now where do I go to study" "I don't know you work it out" Sirius says walking away "we heading back to the Gryffindor common room you can study there" Remus says putting his wand in his waistband. Sirius looks at him with a sour face "what!? I'm being nice, you could give it ago occasionally".

Sirius and Remus have been dating for 6 months now, although they fight like they been married for years. Its honesty annoying its especially annoying when you trying to study, and they have a screaming match that just leads into load sex for the whole night.

"thanks" I say reluctantly, Sirius sighs "fine!! Follow us then!" we walk through the halls and up the stairs being careful not to get on the wrong set. The fat lady speaks "password". "Hogs tail" Sirius says pushing his hair out of his eyes "come in.... is that a slytherin" she speaks looking at me "yeah Minnie says he aloud because he my brother" Sirius says "ok.. come in" paining of the fat lady openings letting all of us in

I sit down at the windowsill grabbing my books and reading from where I left off. "What are you reading" James sits opposite me "muggle study" I say not lifting my head up "muggle study? Arnt your parents like totally agents that" "mhm that's why I'm luring it. Now can I get back to my book" I say bluntly. "Sure, hot stuff" he gets up as my cheeks turn red.

am I blushing, no I can't be I'm not gay, I have nothing wrong with people being gay like my brother gay, but I'm not, I don't really like anymore, does James know I blushed, I'm not gay though so its fine, he not gay, he dating lily, yeah he cant be gay, maybe he bi?.... no why am I thinking like that, he straight, I'm straight, and that's it.

"Remus do you think I'll be allowed to hand a Bi flag above my bed" James says looking at the while wall above his bed. "If not that be heller homophobic, and in June as well" Remus says hugging Sirius on his bed.

Ok so definitely not straight. Buts that fine, that doesn't mean he likes me and that doesn't mean I like him.

"What do you think Reggie" he says looking at me "I told you stop calling me that" I say putting my book down upside down "fine then short stuff, what do you think about a flag above my bed" I look at him "I don't know, do what you want 4 eyes" I say with a smug face losing my tie. "oo burn" he says laughing falling onto his bed "Reggie why are you studying it's a Friday night" Sirius says getting up and walking over to me "because I actually care about my education" I say, when Sirius reaches other me grabbing my book and holding it above his head so it's out of my grasp "I'm not playing your little game, give it back" I say crossing my arms "come on, have some fun for once" Sirius says. When James walks up to Sirius towering over him grabbing the book with easy "don't be a bully its not a good look on you" he says giving me my book "t-thanks" I say putting it down on the side

Why did I stutter I never stutter I'm not a stutter. This is so confusing. Yes, he may be bi but doesn't mean he likes me there so many reasons he doesn't 1. He is dating lily 2. I'm his best friend little brother- yes, I'm his best friend brother he sees me as a brother probably that's why he doing all this not because he likes me because he sees me as a brother.

"Guys look what I haveeee" James says holding bottles of butter beer and small bottles of some clear liquid "woo!! Yes, James my boy" Sirius yells running over to him helping him putting all the bottles on their bed, "yes I love drunk James!" Remus yells running over grabbing a bottle and opening it "you want one short stuff" James says "no your not getting my little brother drunk" Sirius says downing one of the small bottles "hay I do what I want thank you very much" I say looking at Sirius.

I look at James as he shows me all the alcohol "so if you wanna get drunk quickly this is the best one to use-" he says I interrupt him by grabbing it and drinking it in one go, intensely regretting my choices while pulling a not so attract face they all laugh as James grabs the bottle "yeah tip for you if its gonna get you drunk quick maybe don't chug it" he says laughing "you could have told me before I chugged it"

We keep drinking though the night dancing, jumping on beds singing ower harts out to Mamma Mia laughing playing drinking games to get us more hammered by the end of it. Sirius pulls Remus into the bathroom probably to have drunk sex while they leave me, and potter playing drink or tell.

"Ok ok ok ummm do you have your eye on someone" he says sitting in front of me laughing "what are we in primary school" I say laying down on the bed "tell meee" he says laying next to me on his side "I don't know I've never dated anymore before" I say "WHAT" he yells "have you ever kissed anymore" "hay no its my turn to ask you something" I say "fine ask away" he says "have you ever... have sex" he looks at me "yes" I look at him wide eyes "omg!! Tell! everything" I say sitting up "everything?" he laughs looking me up and down "you know what I mean who was it with, was it good, how long did it take" I say he laughs and looks down "it was with lily... it was both of ower 1st time so no it wasn't good and it lasted like I don't know 15 minutes" he says drinking some of his drink I smiles taking a swig of my drink

"Ok my turn have you ever kissed anyone" I sigh "no, no I have not" he laughs but stops looking at me "what" I say putting my bottle down "do you wanna kiss someone" I look at him "what are you-" I say but he interrupted me "ill kiss you" he says sitting up looking at me "James.. I'm not- like your nice and everything-" I say "omg calm down it just be a kiss doesn't mean anything" I look at him as my heart starts beating fast "but your dating lily" I say trying to find any way to get out of this "we not actually dating... like we were, but we figured out we just better as friends... but this guy was keep making lily uncomfortable so we just say we are dating so he leave her alone" He says looking at me "so you wont be cheating on her" I say looking at him "no like I said we not dating" I get up from the bed looking at him "what if Sirius and reums walks in" I say "we drunk there drunk they probably won't even notice" I look at

"Ok... we don't need to do It; it was just an idea" he says getting up walking towards me I look up at him "we don't have to if you don't want to" I look at him "kiss me" I say pulling down at his tie. Ower lips smash together James put his hand on my waist pulling me closer he turns us around not breaking from the kiss and slowly push me onto the bed he climbs on top of me kissing my lips again I put my hands on the side of his face melting into the kiss. He bites my bottom lip as a small moan leaves me mouth he giggles as he moves across my cheek doing small little pecks down to my neck as he bites and sucks making hickeys appear my mouth is left open, my stomach does back flips as he pulls my jumper off and starts kissing down my torso I put my hand in his hair and starts playing with it hickey appears all over my body he makes his way up and back to my lips and start kissing me again but more ruff then before I kiss back as little moans leave ower mouths, he goes back into my neck and I put my hand on his head when we hear a door open.

James gets up quickly and makes it look like he was looking at the bookshelf as I pull my jumper back over my head "hayyyy" I say in a high pitch voice as Remus puts Sirius  in bed "umm he tired...  wow Reggie what happen to you, you have bruises-" he stops talking and looks at James and back at me "oh- ok then never saw that as a match" he says laughing getting into bed with his sleeping partner "you can't tell anyone... especially Sirius" I say fixing my jumper "no I won't... don't be to load though I need my sleep" he says shutting his eyes.

Me and James stare at each other for a bit before James speaks up "do you wanna stay here its too late for you to be wondering around the castle." James says sitting next to me "um sure... thanks" we get into the bed. he hugs me I smiles snuggling my face into his chest feeling my tense body relaxes under his gasp as we fall in a deep comfortable sleep.

1750 words.
Make sure you drink/eat something!!!
Have a good day/night/morning/afternoon
- Toby/Asher/Rowen

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