'you wanna go drink in the astrology tower'

897 9 6

Menston of sh

pov Regulus

"BARTY GIVE IT BACK" Evan yells reaching for his wand "try and get it" he laughs "Barty stop being annoying twat and give it back" I say not taking my eyes form my book "mimimimi" Barty mimics me leaving Evan to takes his wand back and sits down "REG! look what you did! now Evan has their wand back" I roll my eyes "oi! I'm talking to you" he grabs my book and places next to him "give it back" I say looking up to him slowly "what's wrong you been in a mood all day" I laugh "I'm fine. give me back my bloodly book" they look at each other pulling a weird face "what." "you're like batman" Barty laughs "I am batman!" Evan says in a deep voice laying his head down on the table laughing I roll my eyes get up, I grab all my stuff and put it in my bag and walk away "if you keep rolling your eyes their gonna fall out!!" Barty yells laughing.

I walk into the bathroom and into a cubical sliding down the wall. Taking a deep breath, I roll up my sleeve looking at the dark mark embedded into my arm angry rises, stupid death eaters, stupid Barty and Evan, stupid Sirius for leaving I grab scissors out of my bag and start sliding it up and down my arm my skin peels off and little particles of blood appear tears fall down my face I quickly brush them away leaving the cubical and cleaning up my arm when I hear a door open, "shit" I whisper running back into the cubical locking it jumping up onto the seat covering my mouth.

"James, I'm just saying you don't have to talk to Reggie, like I love him and everything but I know he not-" "not what Sirius" James says, I look though the gap of the door seeing James Sirius Remus and peter talking near the sink "why are you talking to him, you're not messing with him are you" Sirius says drinking something out of a metal flask "I don't know, I got paired with him in potions, he's cool" I hear Sirius laughs "Reggie? Are we sure we got the same person here" "yes I'm sure, he was telling about astrology it's amazing how much he knows about it I could listen to him-" "ok James you can shut up now I don't need to hear you simping about my brother" Sirius interrupts him "oooo James has a crush" peter laughs, Remus lays head on James "ooo James stars I love stars not much as I love youuuuuu" reums says trying to mimics me I roll my eyes James pushes him away "I don't like him, he just cool to hang around" they all laughs "ok go for a piss James we gonna go to class".

They all get up messing up James hair and walk away James walks to the cubicles opening my door "oh shit sorry mate- regulus?" he open the door more "hi..." I say quietly "are you ok- did you hear all that" I nod "sorry regulus, why are you hiding in the bathroom" he says leaning on the side "just peace and quiet I guess" James slowly nods "you wanna go drink in the astrology tower" I think for a moment spend more time with potter or go to lesson and get yelled at.. I nod he smiles joyfully "come on lets go" he walks out the bathroom I follow closely behind "I though you was going to the toilet" I say while we walk to the astrology tower "nah I wanted to drink in peace but now I have you to drink with so that's even better" I smile we walk up to the tower and sitting down looking over Hogwarts I rest my head on his shoulder as he drinks from a flask he rests his head comfortably on mine.

Giving me the flask I hesitantly drink out of it pulling a face but continuing to shallow "bloody hell that's strong" James laughs grabbing the flask and putting it down "I didn't mean what I said to them by the way I do like you" I smile looking at him "I like you two" he laughs moving his hair out of is face oh lord look at thoughts eyes the way the sun falls on his perfect face he looks so- no stop "no I mean like I think I like you, like I know I liked guys before but ive never done anything about it but I don't know" I laugh "you have had way to much to drink" I laugh sitting up "I haven't had a lot" I move my head to look at him "how much then" he thinks for a moment "ok like a bottle of whisky" I laughs "how are you not dead bro" he stops laughing and looks at me "don't call me 'broooo' friend's call each other bro" he pulls me forward "James what are you doing" I say looking at his brown eyes "Reggie I'm probably way too drunk to say this and I'm really gonna regret it in the morning but I really like you... can I kiss you?" I stutter on my words "Ur- um- James".

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