Going to hogwarts pt 1

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I lay in my bed heavy tears falling form my face "DON'T SLAM MY DOORS YOU LITTLE SHIT" I cover my eyes crying into my knees "STOP YELLING AT ME I GOT HOME 2 MINUTES LATE!" Sirius yells back at our already angry father "YOU WAS PROBABLY HANGING OUT WITH THAT ONE LEGGED FAG" father yells "YOURE SO ABLEIST!" The yelling continues for a while I keep my ears covered squeezing my eyes tight when I hear silence.. then a hard slap and a yelp I get up shaking moving to my door opening it only slightly trying to see what happened "don't you ever talk to me like that again." My father says inches away from Sirius face he gets up kicking Sirius in the stomach spitting on him he looks at me "rhea go back to bed!" I shut my door quickly running to the safety of my bed under the covers hugging myself wishing I was somewhere else anywhere would be better than here.

Time skip**

"Rhea the train doesn't wait!! I'm not driving you there it's to fair HURRY UP" mother yells form the bottom of the stairs I grab my bag leaving my room shutting the door looking at Sirius "Siri-" he nudged past me going downstairs I sigh following after "get in the car I'm just finishing off my cig" I nod getting in without a word "Sirius don't make me repeat myself" he roles his eyes getting in grabbing these things called headphones out his bag and putting them on his head plugging them into a cassette. I tap him on the shoulder he roles his eyes for the 5th time this day (and it's only 8am) "what do you want" he says putting his headphones around his neck "I was just wondering on the Train can I sit next to you" he laughs "fuck no" I scrunch my face "why not I have no one to sit with" he roles his eyes grabbing his headphones "not my problem" he put them back on looking out the window I sigh putting my seatbelt on waiting. Mother gets in the car the smell of cigarettes is so strong I thought I would get used to it by now but still to this day I can't get my head around the enjoyment of cigarettes. She pulls out the driveway travailing down the road. I look out the window imagining how Hogwarts is gonna be like.

We pull into the train station car-park "Ok then get out" by the time she finishes her sentence Sirius is already out the car and walking away "aren't you coming with us?" She laughs putting her window down to smoke another cigarette "'no sweetie come on get out I'll see you at Christmas I want straight As remember" I nod getting out the car grabbing my side-bag walking into the train station seeing Sirius walking confidently through the crowds I try and follow keeping my eyes on him as he disappears though a stone wall with confusion I follow holding my breath but to make it though the other side I smile looking around "LAST CALL FOR THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS" I quickly run onto the train looking from a empty seat I keep looking as the train starts moving I hold on to one of the seats still walking. I make my way to the cabin area of the train looking in to each one passing Sirius and his friends. He smoking and his legs are on another boys lap he looks at me shaking his head I keep walking when I see an empty cabin I sigh with relief walking in sitting down grabbing my book out reading it but can't get Sirius out my head. Who was that boy? Why was Sirius smoking? Why was they so close. I try and forget but it won't stop spiralling in my head...

Have a good day/night/afternoon/morning
Make sure you eat/drink something

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