fourth of July

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regulus sits on his bed In front of his mum and dad, he picking the skin off his nails, he waits for the news about his brother hours go by Orion (regulus and Sirius dad) starts pacing"it's been hours!! Why don't we have any answers!!" he yells regulus shuts his eyes tight "STOP BEING A BABY" Orion yells slapping regulus, a yelp falls from regulus mouth as tears fall. Walburga gets up and walks around regulus room dragging her long purple nails agesnt his Chest draws "its messy in here... do the maids ever actually come in here and clean?" regulus looks at his mum and shakes head "s-she-" "stop with the stuttering!" regulus clears his throat "she only makes my bed and hover" I say whipping my tears "what's her name" Orion says "lily.." he looks at Walburga "we fire her when we get this mess sorted out" regulus pokes his head up "but she pregnant! You can't fire her" Orion looks at him "she not doing her job I'm not paying her good money to do half a job she be gone by the end of the week if she doesn't step up" Orion says moving his hair out his eyes "are you gonna tell her that" regulus says looking back down to his fingers "no she ceilings". Ready be doing that" "she 8 months pregnant I don't understand how she gonna be able to get on the floor and clean the floors or the high ceilings".

Regulus pov

A doctor walks through the door with sad face I hold my breath "I'm sorry your majesty's.. the prince is dead". My chest starts beating fast rapid tears fall down my face I put my hand over my mouth crying "regulus you will start doing the training to take my place as king.. pull yourself together" I sit up and give him the dirtiest look I can "MY BEST FRIEND IS DEAD! AND YOU'RE TELLING ME PULL MYSELF TOGTHER!" I scream "don't yell at your father like that!" Walburga yells "WHY ARE YOU SIDING WITH HIM" I scream "I'm not siding!" she yells "YES YOU ARE YOU ALWAYS SIDE WITH HIM ITS NOT FAIR!" "Regulus your being unreasonable!" Orion say, "IM BEING UNREASONALBE YOU'RE THE ONE WHO TELLING ME TO STOP CRYING, MY BROTHER IS DEAD !" "That doesn't give you the reason to yell at us! You don't see us crying and screaming" Orion says, "maybe we need to get you in therapy" Walburga says, "I don't need therapy!!"

I get up runs to the knights quarters knocking on the door replay "hello?" a knight says, "how can I help?" he says looking down at me "is-" "regulus?" I look behind the man to see James Sirius guard we spent hours all the 3 of us James was more a friend then a guard.

I cry more hugging him he hugs back rubbing my back "umm reums go save me some food I'll be out in a minute" the guard now known as reums nods and walks back into the room James leads me to this wooden bench and sits me down "what happened" he says whipping my tears "s-Sirius I- is gone" I cry more into him "gone.. like ran away?" I shake my head "he's d-dead" James goes to say something but shuts his mouth and keep hugging me we sit like that for 30 minutes I lift my head up and looks at him his eyes are red like he being holding in tears but only a few have been able to sneak out "s-sorry.." I sit up wiping my tears "I-its ok I understand its hard you been though a lot" "thanks.. for being here with me.. you're the only other friends I've ever had" I try and smile but it's like weights are attracted to my lips pulling them down "ok.. I need to go for training but after ill pop round your room and we can read until you fall asleep" he say standing up I look at him "but you hate reading" I say standing up "yes but you love reading" I give him a weak smile. "Bye Reggie" he says "bye- I told you to not call me that" he give me a smirk "ok Reggie" "you're such a twat" I say "bye" "bye".

I walk back to my room slowly everything feels cold I hug myself silent tears fall form my mouth maids and guards stop when they see me. They lowering their head to show condolences. I give them a weak smile when I finely get to my room I slide down my door crying ugly tears, holding onto my chest.

Time skip

I sit on bed writing in my song journal when I see my door open James walks in "hay Reggie" he sits down on the end of my bed giving me a plate of food "hay.." I put the food on my side table "you not gonna eat?" he says "already ate" James and moves closer to me "I know you haven't.. the chef said you missed dinner.. you need to eat something" he says, "I will in a minute I'm writing my speak for- the funeral". James nods "what you gonna say.." regulus sighs "I don't know I'm not good with feelings and shit.." "What was his favourite things.." "Umm.. music.. rain.. guitar" James's smile "write him a song" regulus looks at James and give a weak laugh but stops "that might work..." James smirks "no need to thank me I know I'm a genius" I smile at him.

Time skip – funeral (sorry all time skips)

My legs bounce as I wait for my turn to go up and perform my song for him "now to hear some words form Sirius brother" I get up slowly putting my chords on the grand piano. I start to sing not looking away "The evil it spread like a fever ahead, it was night when you died, my firefly, what could I have said to raise you from the dead? Oh, could I be the sky on the Fourth of July?" I hold back tears and carry on singing "Well you do enough talk, My little hawk, why do you cry?, Tell me what did you learn from the Tillamook burn?, Or the Fourth of July?, We're all gonna die" I hear people crying "Sitting at the bed with the halo at your head, Was it all a disguise, like Junior High Where everything was fiction, future, and prediction, Now, where am I?, My fading supply" tears fall form my face onto the piano keys "Did you get enough love, my little dove, Why do you cry? And I'm sorry I left, but it was for the best, though it never felt right, my little Versailles" the door opens, and I see James standing there smiling at me "the hospital asked should the body be cast, Before I say goodbye, my star in the sky, such a funny thought to wrap you up in cloth, do you find it all right, my dragonfly?" I take a Shakey breath "Shall we look at the moon, my little loon, why do you cry? Make the most of your life, while it is rife, while it is light Well, you do enough talk, my little hawk, why do you cry? Tell me what did you learn from the Tillamook burn? Or the Fourth of July? We're all gonna die" I look at James "We're all gonna die, we're all gonna die, we're all gonna die, we're all gonna die, we're all gonna die, we're all gonna die, we're all gonna die" I put my hands in my lap standing up from the piano.

Walburga opens her arms at her up regulus looks her giving her a death stare walking straight past her and hugging James, James rest his head on regulus head as cameras start to flash James covers his face quickly. James grabs regulus hand and runs outside of the venue and into the snowy village, James pulls regulus until they get to a small cottage, they walk in "mum I'm home... yeah no one's home" the two boys walk up the starts and into a small brown room James drops himself on the sofa next to the window "I'm hoping you live here" James laughs and nods "yeah my parents are never home so we have it all for tonight... if you wanna stay I know it's not the nicest place" I smile and sit down on James bed "I'd love to stay" "ok.. Do you wanna drink?" regulus looks at James "yeah.. please" James gets up from his sofa and grabs regulus hand and walks downstairs James grabs a beer form the fridge opening it with the side of the brown counter "how old are you.." regulus laughs "your literally my best friend.. how do you not know how old I am" he takes a swig of his drink "how old am I then" regulus goes to speak but pauses "18..." James laughs "17" regulus nods "I was close.. I'm 16" James nods grabbing another beer "do you want one... you don't have to I'm not pressuring you" regulus grabs the beer from him and take a swig "cheers" James smiles "cheers" they nock their glasses together making a clink sound they sit down in the living room laughing forgetting all their problems in the world the only thing that matters is sitting on the couch talking about stuff that doesn't matter. Nothing matters.. nothing at all. 


Make sure you drink/eat something!!!

Have a good night/day/morning/afternoon


(ironic that I posted a story called fourth of July... on the 4th of July) 

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