Chapter 44: An Offer he could Refuse.

Start from the beginning

"Now, we can set everything straight for the Greater good. And all is well again." Black declared. 

"All is well again?" Sean asked in disbelief. "How can you say that, after all of this?! Sebastian is gone! Solomon is dead! And Anne is going to die alone! All is not Well!" He yelled out. 

"I beg to differ." Black countered. "Thanks to your exploits, a dangerous Blood Wizard has been routed from our prestigious school." 

"That's all you really care about, is it?!" Sean asked. "You don't care about the welfare of the students at all!" 

"Of course I care about it! I am Headmaster of this School! What did you expect?!" Black shot back. "Clearly Celt... you're angry, and you're exhausted from your fight with the Blood Demon." And then he clapped his hands. "And I am willing to let bygones be bygones if you agree to my terms." 

"And what terms would that be?" Sean asked. 

"You will stay away from anything having to do with Dark Arts again." Black answered. "You and Mr. Gaunt. For your efforts in standing against the Blood Magic, mercy is in order and it is granted. You will not be expelled out of Hogwarts. But next time, I will not be so lenient." He warned.

Sean sighed knowing that there was too much at stake. "Fine." 

"Headmaster... what's going to happen to Anne now?" Ominis asked. "With her Uncle killed and Sebastian-" 

"I've discussed that with Miss. Sallow already." Black answered. "She wishes to stay at Hogwarts until she... dies. Which shouldn't be long now. In the meantime, I will be sending letters to your families about the incident. Since you don't have a family, Celt. I won't bother. Neither with the Lizard. Though, there will be letters to the Gaunts and the Parkers about what's happened." He then looked at the two. "You're dismissed."  

And Sean started to make for the door, disgusted by what he was seeing out of Britain. "Oh... and Celt..." 

Sean turned his head to face the Headmaster. "For a Man who accuses me of not caring for the welfare of others, you're one to talk." Black said.

"Excuse me?" Sean asked.

But Black smirked. "If you cared for the welfare of others... you would've killed Sallow when you had the chance before he killed anybody else." 

And Sean got so mad that he walked away and slammed the door shut behind him. 

Sarah and An-ru waited outside for Sean and Ominis. "I'm going to go see Anne." Ominis informed. "I'm sorry I dragged you into all of this, Sarah." He said as he walked past Sarah.

"It wasn't your fault, Ominis." Sarah assured. And a part of her blamed herself. If she hadn't broken up with Sebastian, perhaps she could've tempered his rage and things wouldn't have gotten so out of hand. Then she saw Sean approach her and An-ru. "What did the Headmaster say?" She asked.

"We're not getting expelled." Sean answered. 

"Well that's a relief." Sarah thought out loud.

"He is sending a letter to your parents though." Sean pointed out.

"Oh, perfect." Sarah muttered. Her parents would kill her for this.

"What of Sssssebasssstian?" An-ru asked.

"He's been expelled. And marked for elimination." Sean answered.

"By God." Sarah thought. "Sebastian..." 

"He used powerful Blood Magic, Sarah." Sean informed. "According to the Ministry. That's grounds for elimination." 

"What a nightmare." Sarah commented. "How did things get so messed up so fast?" 

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