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  The girls were shooting everything they could to prevent Orochi from firing another ballistic missile.

  Atago: Girls!  Focus all your fire power on Orochi!

  Takao: This is the responsibility of the Sakura Empire!  We must take down that thing with our own hands!

  All the girls kept shooting, but all the projectiles were reflected by Orochi's energy shield, of all the shots only one ship was able to slightly damage Orochi, she is Strella, the reason?  In the WG game, all guns regardless of caliber are capable of piercing enemy energy shields without any problems, but we are talking about a 25 cm gun was going to do almost nothing against a capital ship of hundreds of millions of tons .

  Illustrious's planes tried to bombard Orochi, but she got almost nothing and then the enemy's anti-aircraft guns easily shot down Illustrious's planes.

  Illustrious: We can't penetrate!

  Cleveland: Is this a bad joke told!?  That thing is very OP!

  Enterprise: Don't give up!  This is our last line of defense!  If we fell the siren would have won the war!

  The girls forced a laugh and continued to attack Orochi without any success, only the girls were shooting incessantly, but the ammunition was in the red, some were desperate while others were trying to stay very serious in this situation that seemed to be against the kansen. .

  Wales: Damn, how's the ceasefire situation going with Red Axis?  Can we unify like before for this fight?

  Illustrious: Unicorn and the girls haven't contacted us yet.  We just have to wait for Unicorn's report.

  Cleveland: It still amazes me that she, such a shy girl, is playing diplomat.

  Illustrious: Although it may not seem like it, she has always worked hard, we must trust her.

  Meanwhile with Zuikaku, she had intercepted the scrolls that Kaga shot at Ayanami.

  Kaga: Tch...

  Zuikaku: Kaga!

  Zuikaku makes a frontal charge against Kaga.

  Kaga: A suicide attack?  You are stupid!

  Kaga shoots several scrolls at Zuikaku, Shokaku worries about Zuikaku, Zuikaku on the other hand was very determined and she doesn't hesitate to attack Kaga.  Zuikaku lets out a war cry as she cuts Kaga's scrolls, unfortunately one of the scrolls manages to hit Zuikaku's head, Kaga smiles at the coup de grace, but she is then surprised that Zuikaku is still fit for a fight and she keep sailing towards it at high speeds.

  Zuikaku: I've had enough of your bullshit!  Wake up the damn time!

  In that Zuikaku grabs the collar of Kaga's blouse and pulls her towards her.

  Zuikaku: First Aircraft Carrier Division!  KAGA!

  And then Zuikaku headbutts Kaga, Kaga receiving Zuikaku's headbutt, she staggers and falls unconscious for a few minutes, after a few minutes Kaga regains consciousness, she looks at Zuikaku somewhat surprised.

  Kaga: That was absurd, what the hell is wrong with you?

  Shokaku: You still don't get it?  They really want to save you.

  A very surprised Kaga looks at Ayanami, Javelin's friends, then at Zuikaku and emotions start to overflow inside Kaga and then she starts crying.

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