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After a very restful sleep last night, today I wake up refreshed.

Me: Ahhh, what a good dream I had last night, I was tired of being awake all the time since I got here. Ah, I have to take a shower first.

So I walk to the bathroom, when I enter I am surprised that there is a full bathroom in this room, it is more luxurious than conventional rooms in a military base, I don't think high command officers have so many luxuries.

Me: Wow! I even has a washing machine here.

So I take off my clothes and then I take a shower, because of my female body, I try to look at it as little as possible to prevent my blood pressure from rising, then I get out of the bathroom while drying myself, I look at the clock to see that it is already 15 minutes to 0600, so I open the curtain to see the port from here.

Me: Hm, today will be a great day.

So I get dressed and leave my room, before having breakfast, I have to confirm if I have change clothes when I need to wash these clothes that, seen now, it is not attractive to walk around the base naked, I also have to consider buying new clothes too.

Upon entering my ship and looking through the captain's room, I was able to confirm that I have 5 changes of clothes, strangely they are all the same design that I am seeing at this moment, there is also women's sports underwear in one of the drawers, in another drawer I was able to confirm clothes that I used in my previous life, when I took it out and put on my pants, I confirmed that it is too big and tight on the waist, my shirts were the same, they are too big for me.

Me: I don't know why this is here if I can't wear it anymore... I think I'll use them as pajamas.

After this I go out to have breakfast when around the corner I meet Javelin.

Me: Hi Javelin.

Javelin: Ah, hi Strella, how did you sleep?

Me: Pretty good, I'd say.

Yesterday I met Javelin while she was walking along with the Royal Maid light cruiser, what was her name? I don't remember, it's hard for me to remember the names of the people I just met, in the case of Javelin I don't forget her name because she already knew her in the game.

So we walked to the dining room for breakfast.

Javelin: So you're a ship from a recent project.

Me: Yes, it seems that I have to go to the academy to study.

Javelin: Yes, going to the academy is boring, but very necessary if we want to improve as a kasen.

Me: Yes, you're right, what topics do they deal with? (Ah, since I hate going to the academy again, math was very difficult for me, I always got a 03 or in the worst case I ended up owing points)

Yeah, math wasn't my thing and now I realize, I was screwed up to my neck, the reason I didn't join the navy in my past life was because you require trigonometry, geometry and algebra to pass the academy entrance exam, the minimum passing score for the exam was 98%. I tried to go to the well known and famous academy to pass the exam and I spent 9 months and didn't learn a shit.

Me: (Yab...)

Javelin: Why did you turn pale?

Me: Say Javelin? Do they teach algebra, trigonometry and geometry here?

Javelin: Yes, it is the minimum to be able to join being a kansen, well except for those born naturally and PR ships.

Me: Natural born?

Javelin: Yes, the kansen are divided into 3 parts, those born naturally, those that became kansen and the Priority ships (PR).

Javelin: In the case of the first case, those born naturally or also known as first generation, are those vessels that acquired human bodies through the mental cubes to fight against the siren.

Me: I understand.

Javelin: The second case is the humans who became kansen or also known as the second generation. Do you know the two ways in which they decommission a ship?

Me: Yes, the first is when the ship is sunk in battle and the second is when she is decommissioned for obsolescence and is destined for scrapping or sold for a museum.

Javelin: Indeed, there comes a time when the kansen are sunk and we needed to replace the holes left by the sunken kansen, so it was decided to use the same humans to replace the holes, strangely only women can use the powers of the kansen, men strangely die when they come into contact with the mental cube when activated.

Me: Hm, I understand, you know a lot.

Javelin: Well, that's the basics they teach us in school, they also take us many exams in a row so we have to memorize the whole subject to not fail.

Me: What happens if you don't pass the written exams?

Javelin: You just don't advance, you get stuck in the rank you are in, for example, we split into the same branches as military and political. The lowest is Cadet and the highest rank is Combined Fleet Admiral, if you want to go higher you have to pass an exam that is difficult to pass and from there you nod to Senator or Deputy, then if you are very smart you can go up to Chief of State or Commander in Chief.

Me: It all sounds very complicated, I better stay as a cadet or low rank to avoid problems with paperwork and stuff.

Javelin: By the way, I am the third generation Javelin.

Me: seriously?

Javelin: Yes, my real name is Amanda Travis, it's a pleasure.

Me: (laughs) Wow, the surprises never end.

After waiting in line, Nevada attends us.

Nevada: Good morning! What are they going to wear today?

Me: A steak sandwich and a highly caffeinated espresso, please.

Nevada: Immediately!

Javelin: Wow! Coffee express? I'm not very brave to drink that.

Me: It's pretty tasty and it keeps you awake.

Javelin: (Giggles) Maybe Laffey will have to drink that too.

After the food has been served, we sit in the dining room to eat.

TO BE CONTINUE.................................

Azur Lane: The Cruiser That Doesn't Exist Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt