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The first one to attack me was a clone of Tester, but I easily spite her by firing my cannons, my cannons are enough to damage her considerably, then I cut her neck to make sure she doesn't get up again, then another siren fires at me, but I avoid the enemy attack and counterattack by firing my cannons, making the siren's rig explode.

Tester: Damn, she's so powerful.

The enemy keeps firing at me in a burst while I shield myself with my energy shields that prevents the enemy from damaging me, I can be aware that the enemy's shots do nothing to my shields so I can say that plasma shots are very weaker than the shots from The Empire ships in the game.

Tester: Damn it! Why do not you die!?

Me: You can't hurt me Jack, Nanomachine son.

Tester: Shut the fuck up! And my name is Tester and I'm a woman!

Me: Language.

Then I hit the siren leader of the enemy squad, the blow she landed on the siren's face, from the blow she flew several meters until she fell into the sea several meters behind.

Siren 2: Damn! To her!

The sirens kept shooting at me, but the shield repels everything, I fire my cannons at the enemy and if I have the opportunity I hit one or another enemy that is very close to me, I also shoot some missiles to exterminate the enemy, but in that I can see that reinforcements are coming enemies when more portals open and more siren emerge, it was a battle of attrition and without end for me. I had no problem fighting infinitely, but the ammunition of my weapons is not infinite, so sooner or later I would run out of ammunition.

Me: Run.........

So I undertake a tactical flight to position my enemies where I want to exterminate them once and for all.

Tester: She Runs! After her! Fast! After her!

The sirens try to chase me, but I can navigate faster than them so I leave the enemy behind and separate from them at a safe distance to use one of the most OP weapons in the game, the nuclear ballistic missiles and once I fix the target fired three rounds of missiles to maximize the destructive range of the weapon.

Missiles fly towards the enemy and....


Three nuclear explosions occur on the horizon and the sky lit up in an intense yellow tone, it was orgasmic to be able to see, hear and feel the shock waves of three nuclear explosions, it was the best.

Then everything calms down, so that all readers stay calm, the specifications of the nuclear weapons of the WG game, says that none of these weapons have radiation emissions so they do not pollute the environment, I know it sounds very convenient, but like this It's the thing, if you want to complain, complain in the developer's mailbox and not in mine.

Then all the yellow dots on the radar disappeared, that meant the enemy was annihilated, then everything calms down, the sea is still rough, but you can navigate.

Me: Now that I've dealt with the enemy, I need to find my friends. Initiation of scanning of radio signals.

In that I start to analyze all the radio signals that my antenna can collect, I only find two, one from Azur Lane and the other from the Sakura empire.

Me: Bingo, I already have the position of both fleets.

Now I start sailing towards the allied fleet while sending one of my planes to scout the area where the enemy is.


After several hours of search and rescue by both fleets, the inevitable arrived, Azur Lane managed to find the whereabouts of the Red Axis fleet, now Kako is reporting to Fusou.

Kako: Reporting, Azur Lane has found us.

Fusou: Tch.

At that moment, a Strella F-35B plane flew by.

Takao: Take that thing down!

The girls fired their flak but failed to shoot down Strella's plane, the plane is very fast and the girls couldn't get used to the speed and maneuverability of the enemy plane.

Meanwhile with the Azur Lane fleet, Helena reports to Wales.

Helena: Strella has managed to track the main fleet of the Sakura empire, right now one of Strella's planes is doing a bombing raid to facilitate our mission.

Wales: Where is Strella right now?

Helena: We don't know her position, but she is closing in on our fleet to regroup.

On the other hand, Cleveland has an expression that she is tired of this war.

Cleveland: Do we have to?

Wales: Yes, the power of the siren they control is very dangerous, if we let them go now, this situation could get worse.

Hornet: There is no other way, this is war....

The girls decided to fight once more...

TO BE CONTINUE.......................................................

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