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Our protagonist after destroying 3 battleships, she sees that Unicorn is in danger and she fires her cannons loaded with armor-piercing ammunition, the projectiles manage to hit the fox with devastating power, the fox falls on its side while everyone is surprised because Strella had managed to subdue Kaga's fox without problems.

Cleveland: (Shock) Really? How did she do it?

Cleveland in that dodges several missiles fired by the enemy plane.

Cleveland: Shit, I mustn't lose focus.

The fox is very badly injured and may not get up for a while, Kaga glares at Strella.

Kaga: You fucking bitch! What have you done to my dear fox!?

Me: Who's talking about bitch? Don't you have a fox's ear?

Kaga: It's Kitsune's ear!

Me: Ah, so you're a bitch (Fox).

Kaga: Why did you call me a bitch!?

Me: Whore? I said fox.

[NT: In Spanish "fox" and "bitch" can mean the same thing depending on the context]

Actually, it was a misunderstanding of the translation, so Kaga understood that Strella was insulting her when in reality Strella was stating the obvious.

Kaga: I've had enough of your nonsense!

In that Kaga sends several planes to attack Strella, but Strella repels the attack by shooting her CIWS, 10 CIWS fire into the sky to shoot down 30 Kaga bomber planes, the planes fell without inflicting damage on Strella.

Kaga: (Shock) NANI!?

Me: Well it's my turn.

In that, Strella fires at Kaga, the 25.4 cm projectiles fire at Kaga, the projectiles were able to pierce Kaga's armor without problems, Kaga spits up blood, since her human body was injured.

Kaga: (suffering) Damn it, what the hell is she? How can a light cruiser cannon do so much damage to me? Who are you?

Me: No one in particular.

In that Strella grabs Kaga's neck and lifts her up without a problem, having the strength of 3 nuclear reactors is no joke, Kaga tries to break free, but she just can't compete with the strength of a nuclear powered cruiser, then Strella starts squeezing Kaga's neck.

Me: I'm tired of you from the Sakura empire making the same mistakes over and over again.

Kaga: What are you saying?

Me: Remember Kaga that for the next time you reincarnate, remembers that you shouldn't do stupid things like this.


In that a scroll from Akagi hits Strella causing an explosion.

Akagi: Let go of my sister!

Javelin: (worried) Strella!

Ayanami: Don't lose concentration!

In that Ayanami attacks Javelin and Javelin repels the attack with her spear.

Returning to the fight, Akagi is surprised that Strella emerged from that attack completely unscathed, the shields in the WG (Warship Gunner) game can repel even an atomic bomb blast, ballistic missile, or hypersonic missile. She can even reduce the damage of 100 cm railgun weapons, an attack to the level of a conventional artillery or a bomb, would do nothing to Strella's shield.

Me: Don't underestimate me Akagi, you can't hurt me just like that.

In that Kaga does her best and manages to spit some oil on Strella's hand, this makes Kaga free and gets as far away from Strella as she can.

Akagi on the other hand clicks her tongue in frustration.

Akagi: Kaga, we're leaving.

Kaga: what? I can still fight.

Me: Hey Kaga, don't get spicy because I know you're scared shitless.

Kaga: Shut up!

Me: Look how you tremble with fear.

Akagi: We accomplished most of our goals, it's time to retire.

In that The ships with the heavy artillery went into action after finishing the maintenance of the rig as quickly as possible.

Kaga: Understood sister.

Me: (Pointing the cannons towards the first division) Do you think they escaped just like that!?

Akagi: (Mocking tone) Wow, how scary, how scary, I feel like I'll lose my mind with that threat.

Me: (Annoyed) Don't tempt me Akagi, I have the ovaries well positioned to shoot you without hesitation.

Akagi: Go and try it.

Me: It will be a pleasure.

In that the alarm of incoming projectile resonates in Strella's brain and there was no time to defeat the threat, she does a great jump back and then an explosion reverberates in the place where seconds before Strella was standing.

Akagi: Ara, you were able to dodge it.

Me: (irritation) Ahhh, this demon bitch.

Zuikaku: [Sempai, it's time to go]

Strella recovering, she realizes that Akagi and Kaga are too far from her attack range and it was obvious in revealing to everyone about her missiles so she doesn't dare to fire her missiles, she had already done too much for today and everyone was very surprised by how powerful Strella is, elsewhere Ayanami looks at the situation and she also withdraws leaving Javelin confused.

Akagi: Consider this a declaration of war, Azur Lane.

Kaga: We, the Sakura empire together with Iron Blood will mercilessly crush them, the powerful must control the future.

Akagi: The will of heaven resides with us, the true conqueror of the seas. We are the crimson alliance, we are RED AXIS.

The empire fleet was covered in flower petals and then they disappeared leaving everyone very surprised by two things, the first is because another country declared war on them in a crisis where the aliens are invading the planet and because of Strella and the way Kaga was walked.

Wales: (Shock) (What the hell is she? How could she have taken down Kaga with a couple of shots?)

TO BE CONTINUE......................................

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