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Now I walk to Wales's office to leave my report, when I knock on the door and receive authorization from Wales, I enter the office, upon entering I see that Wales is filing reports of the attack on the base.

Me: I came to drop off my damage control report.

Wales: Ok, leave them there on my desk.

I leave my report where Wales told me.

Wales: I recently spoke with Cleveland, she told me that in your world there are quite exotic weapons such as projectiles capable of flying at absurd speeds of mach 10, right?

Me: Yes, according to my memoirs I come from a world where siren don't exist and from a world that fought a world war against a genocidal empire, I don't know the name of that country, but it was known as "The Empire" It was an absurdly powerful country with technologies that you can't even imagine and bordering on the fantastic and absurd, all countries were 100 or 200 years behind that country technologically.

Wales: (Scared) Really? Did that country manage to win the war?

Me: No, fortunately they couldn't win the war.

Wales: Why couldn't they?

Me: For two simple reasons, the first is that they underestimated us a lot and second is that they were way ahead of the time, developing advanced weapons for the time leads to many cost overruns making only a limited number of weapons can be put into service and that means that if one of the weapons is destroyed by another hundreds of years obsolete weapon, that would hit the empire's morale hard.

Wales: I see.

Me: Our countries got their act together and when analyzing some of these weapons of the empire, that made the armor of our ships thicker and firmer than normal, but the weight was lighter than normal, we were also installed with almost futuristic weapons and defenses, my construction started very late and was canceled because the war was already over and ships like me will no longer be needed because smaller, more profitable and more powerful ships than me began to be designed, so a cruiser was no longer necessary, the world would require There were more aircraft carriers, submarines and destroyers, cruisers and battleships became extinct because a destroyer could destroy a battleship with one shot and you know the power aircraft carriers have.


Wales was thoughtful by Strella's words, she sees that Strella's expression is very serious and does not have any expression that liars have, Wales begins to believe Strella's incredible story.

Wales: What kind of weapons did the empire possess?

Me: It says a picture is worth 10,000 words, so I have some photos.

Strella places on the table many photos of many ships that the empire owns, of all the photos there were 3 warships capable of flying and that the design bordered on the absurdity of how such weapons could fly.

Wales: What is this thing?

Me: This is a flying battleship, although the design resembles that of a super heavy bomber, the detail is that its length is well over 700 meters and it has a wingspan from wing to wing that is almost a kilometer, it carries nine 50 cm recoilless guns, it has several smaller caliber guns, guided missiles and a space to load free-fall bombs. This other one is the flying fortress, this thing has several cannons of different calibers and a BFG.

Wales: What is a BFG?

Me: It's actually a neutron cannon, but I call it BFG which actually means "BIG Fucking Gun" the cannon when firing is like receiving a 500 cm caliber projectile and everything it touches is disintegrated at the atomic level, it was a very tough opponent to beat.

Wales: (Shock) Really? This is out of all logic.

Me: Believe it or not, the humanity of my world had to fight against this monster, the destroyer Yukikaze (Created by me) was the only survivor and the one who killed such a beast.

Wales: (Why is it that I am not surprised or surprised to hear the name of that ship?)

Wales just misunderstood Strella, but Wales was in shock, such a country that existed in Strella's world and she didn't know how much they lost the coalition against the empire, simply the empire was a very cheated country that didn't know how to correctly use its power to subdue the world.

And now she is faced with a warship from that world.

Wales: (If she alone is able to repel the first division without breaking a sweat, now what could she make a battleship or aircraft carrier from her world of hers in our world?) Hey, tell me something.

Me what?

Wales: From your country? How powerful is a battleship or an aircraft carrier?

Me: Aircraft carriers don't really exist, although I mentioned them to avoid confusion, aircraft carriers actually have another name.

Wales: Another name?

Me: Yes, they are designated as Batlecarriers, they are aircraft carriers in appearance, but they hide cannons and very exotic weapons below their decks and also possess anti-submarine capabilities, the aircraft carriers of our world are lone wolves that sail alone, that's why they have the ability to attack and defend themselves without relying on aircraft, a policy that we found effective so far (Policy stolen from USSR).

Wales: (Touching her chin) Hmmm, that's a very interesting idea, do you think you can build or blueprint such a ship?

Me: Hmmmm, I can't do it.

Wales: Why not?

Me: The answer is too simple, the reason is that... Do we have money?

Wales: Ugh... That's right! We have no funds since we didn't spend them on repairing the base from the attack!

Me: (Sorry, we have to wait, the real reason is that I don't know if I can make a plan of a ship since in my past life I was not a naval engineer, I was just a student.)

After Strella finished talking with Wales, she leaves the office to rest.

TO BE CONTINUE...........................................

Azur Lane: The Cruiser That Doesn't Exist Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora